Saw really good movie at theater,,"Maltese Falcon"

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
For the true Movie Buff, try it...AMC is offering classics periodically, next up is "The Ten Commandments" Charleston Heston..

Bogart looks taller and appears more "snarky" on the big screen, Peter Lorrie and Sidney Greenstreet more dis-appointed at the discovery climax, Mary Astor more clingy for Boogie.

The movie is shown in its original aspect, it filled up three quarters of the modern screen.

Really an surreal feeling watching a 75 year old re-mastered black and white 1941 classic in a sold out modern theater. (big popcorn was $8.00, big soda $5.25)

Many over the top movie buffs were saying the lines as they happened.

At the end, the theater erupted into applause.

The age group was 35 year olds and up ..I figured it would be a "geezer fest" could not be more wrong.

We thoroughly enjoyed the experience


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Jul 13, 1999
For the true Movie Buff, try it...AMC is offering classics periodically, next up is "The Ten Commandments" Charleston Heston..

Bogart looks taller and appears more "snarky" on the big screen, Peter Lorrie and Sidney Greenstreet more dis-appointed at the discovery climax, Mary Astor more clingy for Boogie.

The movie is shown in its original aspect, it filled up three quarters of the modern screen.

Really an surreal feeling watching a 75 year old re-mastered black and white 1941 classic in a sold out modern theater. (big popcorn was $8.00, big soda $5.25)

Many over the top movie buffs were saying the lines as they happened.

At the end, the theater erupted into applause.

The age group was 35 year olds and up ..I figured it would be a "geezer fest" could not be more wrong.

We thoroughly enjoyed the experience

I'm doing it. :0074

Thanks for the suggestion, I know I will enjoy. :0008

3 putt pete

Forum Member
Apr 10, 2015
Tremendous flick, probably rates right there with "The treasure of Sierra Madre" as my 2 all time Bogart favorites.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
I like Maltese Falcon, but love Lawrence of Arabia more. They recently remastered it and it never had a release like this one. Hard to compare the two though. Maltese set a trend in cinema that other films would emulate for decades to come.

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.

I'm a super big fan of everything Charlton Heston did....even futuristic and potentially prophetic Soylent Green with Edward G Robinson. (E.G. Robinson died a couple weeks after film completion)

Here is different take on 10 commandments 1956..

1. When casting the role of Moses, Charlton Heston was chosen above all others including Bert Lancaster, not because of his knowledge of the Bible, but of his striking Physical resemblance to Michelangelo's sculpture of Moses especially the facial structure not to mention the stout build of a prince.

2. The sets for the film were specially designed and the splendour of ancient Egypt in all its glory was recreated especially for this movie.

3. The role of Rameses II was given to Yul Brynner after DeMille observed his magnificent performance as the King of Siam in Rodgers & Hammerstein's THE KING AND I, confirming that he is well suited for a stubburn and malificent heir to the Egyptian throne.

It was not only Heston as Moses who made this movie a success, but all the elements that came together, the cast of thousands, the special effects,the costumes, the sets and most of all the simply unbelievable "parting of the red sea".

It is a wonder why this movie only received one oscar; that of the Special effects, yet I think it deserved alot more. It did not even strike at the box office. Even then it never fails to enchant millions, no matter what religion they follow. Movies like THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and it success in the hearts of millions, shows quite clearly that a movie, in order to be loved by millions the world over, does not necessarily have to strike gold at the box office.

To watch this film, you don't have to believe in God, but if you believe in good triumphing over evil and freedom from slavery of foreign masters, then this is the movie for you.
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