Says it all (at least to me)


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Aug 2, 2000

I highlighted the key part in BOLD

Yesterday, in what is an appetizer to the great 2013 convergence trade (that, between the now thoroughly dead Greek and the Spanish economy, which is rapidly getting there, of course), several thousand Spanish policemen took the streets of Madrid protesting the latest round of austerity, which included frozen pensions and the elimination of the Christmas bonus (they will have many more opportunities to protest not only the loss of any future upside, but the eventual cut of existing wages and entitlements). As RT reports, protesters blew whistles, shouted slogans, and carried anti-austerity banners as they marched through the city centre to the interior ministry. But perhaps the most telling message read on one of the slogans, was the following: "Citizens! Forgive us for not arresting those truly responsible for this crisis: bankers and politicians."

And there you have the entire current clusterfuck summarized in one simple sentence: because as long as those responsible for the ongoing economic collapse, which will inevitably end in war as many have observed, Kyle Bass most recently, are not only not arrested but preserve their positions of power, any and all change will merely be cosmetic and any real change will only affect the bank accounts of the global middle class which are slowly but surely drained to zero.

The perpetrators of the collapse in 2008 remain mostly at large - and it is not just Wall Street - it is the lobbyists, politicians and corporate elite - who have profited from the backroom deals, etc that led the global economy to the brink.

In many ways, it is still there or you would not be seeing the unprecedented financial manueverings of the FED and ECB et al.

Corzine is not in jail because he is politically connected. I do not care to which party he is affiliated - he is a crook and his firm broke the cardinal rule of managing other peoples' money.

He is just one example.

The amount of debt and social unrest it will (is) cause will lead to war.
It has already begun in the Middle East.....
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