SC @ Kansas State

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Apr 7, 2000
Well, last week went very well. I am now 1-0-1 this year picking SC games. It has been pretty easy since I haven't gone against SC & they are playing extremely well.

Since this post became longer than I thought, I will cut to the chase. I am picking SC to cover the 3 against KSU.

The combination of Carroll's defense & Chow's offense has been too much handle. The dismantling of Colorado is a clear demonstration of how well the team is playing. The funniest part of the game is that SC didnt do the little things that should have caused a blowout of that nature. Here are some examples: A blocker ran into a kick returner giving CU the ball on the 20. CU returned a put over 40 yards. 1 blocked field goal (total chip shot). 1 blocked extra point. 1 missed extra point. Point is, the score could have been easily 45-0.

Carroll's defense is the anchor of this team. They are relentless and will shut down the run. Against CU, they got incredible penetration. Hodge wasnt even able to set for more than a second or two before he was running for his life.

But last week was last week. Now they have to face a Kansas State team averaging an NCAA high 60 points per game. They are also only giving up a miniscule 5 points a game. They seem to have the same combination as SC. Strong D & very good O. Manhatten is also a very tough place to play. KSU has not lost to a non conference opponent at home in some obnoxious amount of years.

Everyone here knows the facts about KSU. They have faced 2 I-AA teams, they do not play strong opponents in their OOC schedule. I think this will hurt KSU. It may take them a quarter to adjust to the D-1 speed that SC has. Palmer will pick apart the defense with little dink & dunk passes. He was able to do it against a very good Auburn D. He will be able to do it against KSU. Chow's attack is hitting on all cylinders. Take the Trojans for an easy cover.