If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result, then yes, I would call Bush insane. I admit he probably doesn't fall under the legal definition of insanity........ yet.
Criminal, yes, ilegally insane, no.
Is he in a very difficult situation. Yes. Who put him there? He, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, the Christian right, the rich, conservatives, people like Wayne. Weasel, Freeze and a whole bunch of dumb Americans who bought the bs of these people under the guise of patriotism, fear, prejudice, and stupidity.
Same reason there were seperate drinking fountains for blacks and whites, internment camps for Japanese-Americans 60 years ago, and the current profiling of brown Americans. Remember it was this clown who turned the worlds sympathy on 9-12 into the world loathing.
Remember how so many of you were putting down the French? Guess what fellas. They were right about not going into Iraq militarily and so was the UN and their weapons inspectors. No Mr. Bush and his numbnuts administration are criminal.
This most corrupt and evil administration has killed thousands. That is the greatest immorality. If that is what Christianity is all about, then just call me Ahmed Haskell (I'm sure someone will quote that). Before anyone gets carried away, I don't advocate flying planes into building either.
The invasion of Iraq is not the "war on terror". It is the invasion of Iraq. Wayne how appropriate that you provide your black and white opinions on Martin Luther King day. By the way, I am opposed to a national holiday for Dr. King. Great man but don't think we should create a national holiday for every great man.
Wayne if anyone can save this country from what you and your kind have done to it, it may very well be the ACLU. They are a great organization and continue to fight for personal liberty no matter how shallow your thinking. I know you can't see the issues that they take on as vitally important to this country but rather choose to spin the unpopular cases they take on to appeal to the less intelligent. Thats fine, Wayne. Don't expect an insurance agent from south central Kentucky to grasp the big picture.
By the way, Wayne, Vient Nam vet right? In favor of the war in Iraq, right? Now what was that definition of insanity I was taliking about?