Schoolbus disaster


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Mar 16, 2000
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No, school buses do not have seatbelts. It is a fucking travesty that they don't.

I don't want to speculate what happened, even though I'd love to speculate what happened......


Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
That makes me want to vomit.

Yes some of the newer buses have lap belts. I was on a field trip last month with 7th grade. No fucking AC in 2016 in Florida too. My kids will never ride a bus. The losers they hire to drive buses are worse than TSA at least @ TSA they cant harm us just annoy us. I have seen local bus drivers SPEED - RUN RED LIGHTS ETC ETC with a loaded bus of kids...


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
That makes me want to vomit.

Yes some of the newer buses have lap belts. I was on a field trip last month with 7th grade. No fucking AC in 2016 in Florida too. My kids will never ride a bus. The losers they hire to drive buses are worse than TSA at least @ TSA they cant harm us just annoy us. I have seen local bus drivers SPEED - RUN RED LIGHTS ETC ETC with a loaded bus of kids...

2 years ago I kept my older boy home from school for a field trip in an old school bus without seatbelts. The bus was crossing the 24 mile causeway bridge north of nola, and I wanted no part of that.


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Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA

Geez, 24 years old and a school bus driver. Can you imagine what those parents are feeling? I was at Memorial Hospital yesterday in Chattanooga and the word came across through the lab when it happened and everyone went on alert. At that point they had no idea how many kids it would be and the two hospitals are 3-4 miles apart. Erlanger is a great facility and has a good Chldrens Hospital attached, T.C. Thompson. Please let those babies heal.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
I take my kids to school every morning. I used to work at a law firm. There was a little 1st grade girl in my area that was dropped off by the school bus and then the driver didn't see her and killed her by running her over. It was pure accident. Bus driver just didn't see. At the law firm I worked at, I would see the father sitting in the lobby waiting to speak with his attorney as they went through a 2 year court battle. I saw the father a lot. I felt so bad for him. In my mind - I take my kids to school in memory of the little girl. Sounds weird, but I think of that little girl a lot and I do something for my children that makes her death serve some kind of purpose.

I don't really think that my kids are in danger on a school bus, but the unexpected can happen. The unexpected can happen while I drive them to school. I suppose I can't stand the thought of something happening that could have been avoided.

I feel awful for those children that passed and feel terrible for those parents that won't have a Thanksgiving or Christmas ever again. I know I wouldn't.
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