Sec East 2003


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Jul 1, 2001
<B>SEC EAST 2003

TENNESSEE VOLS O:8 D:3 (8-5)</B>

Look out for the Vols in 2003!!!! This team was decimated by injuries last season, and still ranked high in the final standings on both sides of the ball. Their defense never had a full assortment of starters in its line-up, and still only held its opponents to 16.3 PPG. They only return 3 starters on that side of the ball this year, but everyone saw playing time at one time or another in ?02. The D-line looks a bit green, but they get the welcome return of DE Constantin Ritzmann who figured to be their top pass rusher a year ago. The LB core should be much more stable this year as every LB went down with an injury last season, and should return healthy. The secondary returns with much more experience, and should move up in the rankings this season. Bottom line, the Vols defense was dealt a very unlucky hand last season as it was just plagued by injuries. Most of last season?s starters went down with injuries, and return this season. This will be an even more formidable group than last seasons. The offense looks to be the best in the SEC. QB Casey Clausen returns for his senior season, and I expect him to return to his 2001 form. He?s also got a capable back up in CJ Leak. Clausen is 10-0 as a starter on the road in his career, and that record will be put to the test this year with tough roadies to Florida, Auburn, Alabama, and Miami. His job will be made a lot easier with RB?s Cedric Houston & Jabari Davis carrying the rock. The WR core loses a few guys, but could be more productive overall this season. The O-line looks to be in great shape as all 5 starters are upperclassmen, and have had at least 9 starts in their career. They will pave the way for a very potent offensive attack. Special teams will be just another weapon in their arsenal as last year?s unit returns pretty much intact. I believe the Vols have one of the best programs in the country. They suffered through an injury-riddled season a year ago, and this year?s squad looks to be very solid. QB Clausen will have a special year, and the Vols will finally knock off those pesky Bulldogs from Georgia in Knoxville. I believe last season will be used as a building block towards the ultimate goal. Tennessee is a prime time player in this year?s championship race.

-- The Vols are 11-2 ATS their L/13 season openers, and 10-2 ATS in their L/12 home finales.

<B>GEORGIA BULLDOGS O:3 D:7 (13-1)</B>

The Bulldogs had themselves one heck of a 2002 season winning the SEC Title for the first time in 20 years, and they loaded their backers? pockets with greenbacks covering 9 of 12 games?.WOW!!!! This year?s squad has a bit of a different taste to it. They only return 10 starters from last season?s squad, which is the lowest in the SEC, and they have to replace their entire O-line. They do return their fine QB, David Greene, who returns for his junior season. He has big TE Benjamin Watson back, and a very solid WR core, which is definitely the strength of the offense. They also have to find a RB to step in and take the place of 1000-yard rusher Musa Smith. Georgia?s offense will definitely take a step back this year. The defense loses some big name players, but still will be a solid force. The D-line looks to be one of the best in the SEC anchored by DE David Pollack. The LB core will go through some growing pains, but that?s expected after all 3 from 2002 are gone. The secondary returns the entire 2 deep, and it?s loaded with experience. I expect it to improve on last season?s average numbers. A lot of things went right for Georgia last year, and they?ll be very hard pressed to repeat as the SEC champs. They had a few miraculous wins, and were 4th in out gaining their opponents?.NOT GOOD!!! They also benefited from +8 in turnovers. This looks to be a rebuilding year for the Dawgs, but they?re still better off than the 4 remaining teams left in their division. Don?t get me wrong?.Georgia will still win its fare share of games, they just won?t be going to a BCS bowl.

-- Georgia is 13-4 ATS their L/17 as a favorite of less than 10


The Wildcats really had themselves a solid season even though they didn?t go bowling. They won 7 games for the first time in 18 year?s, and their road win at Louisville was their first over a top 20 team since 1977. They had a very potent offense that averaged 32.1 PPG, and their defense significantly improved on their numbers from a year ago. QB Jared Lorenzen returns for his senior season, and the hefty lefty looks to have himself a solid final campaign. He truly amazes me as to how he conducts himself on the field. The kids as big as some of his linemen, yet has the mobility and strength to get away from defenders. He?s got a cannon for an arm, and his TD/INT ratio last season was an incredible 24-5!!!! He does lose a few of his receiving weapon?s, but stud WR Derek Abney returns for his SR campaign as well. I see little if any drop off in production for this WR core. The front wall looks solid with every listed starter logging starting time. They could improve on last season?s numbers. With a new coach comes a new offense, so they might take some time to grasp the new philosophies. The defensive side of the ball is what doesn?t look to hot for the Wildcats this year. They only return 4 starters from last year?s squad, and are shifting to the 3-4. The D-line looks to be the strongest link of the unit even with the loss of DT Robertson. The LB?s are very green, but they have former Utah HC Ron McBride to mold them into savage warriors?LOL. The secondary returns 6 of 8 from LY?s team, and could improve on its numbers even with the loss of 2 solid DB?s. The special teams are still one of the best in the SEC even with the loss of punter Pakulak. Derek Abney is the SEC record holder with 7 career punt returns for a TD, and he?s also returned 2 on kick offs. Kentucky will still be an exciting team this season, but they lost some key cogs from last season?s 7-win team. It?ll be hard for them to put out those many wins under the new coaching regime, but they will be a fun team to watch.

-- KY is 11-5 ATS following a bye since 1991

<B>FLORIDA GATORS O:6 D:3 (8-5)</B>

I hope HC Ron Zook has a 100,000 BTU AC in his house b/c the heat has been turned up about 200 degrees!!!! This man?s in the middle of a pressure cooker, and I?d be surprised to see him last the season. The Gainesville faithful voiced their opinions about his hiring last season, and their opinions haven?t changed after a disappointing 2002. The Gators only return 9 starters from last year?s squad, and they lose some big time contributors. Gone are QB Rex Grossman, RB Earnest Graham, WR Taylor Jacobs, and the meat of their defensive line. It would be hard for any coach to get this team back to a major bowl, and that?s why I think Zook?s days are numbered. The University will fold under the fans pressure, and be forced to do something. The QB position is young and inexperienced although whoever it is has a solid and experienced O-line in front of him. Six of the seven linemen that rotated last season are back, and have a solid year of experience under their belt. They will improve on last season?s numbers significantly, and are one of the best lines in the nation. Losing a solid player like Earnest Graham hurts, but the Gators have loads of talent to step right in. RB Ron Carthon is a bigger back than Graham with more speed, and he will be the main back this upcoming season provided he stays healthy. The WR core has more experience heading into this season, and could top last year?s production if a QB is found that can get them the pigskin. Last year?s front 7 on defense is now pretty much on the Chicago Bear?s. It?s been completely revamped this year, and will take some time to adjust. The secondary looks to be a solid group provided the front 7 is able to get a pass rush going. Special teams were terrible last season, and should improve with the return of pretty much everyone. This looks to be a tough season for the Gators. I don?t think they have the talent or experience to hang with the big boys, but they will go bowling.

-- The Gators were 4-8 ATS last year, and 2-5 ATS as a swamp chalk in Zook?s first year.


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Jul 1, 2001

The Gamecocks had a season in which they?d love to forget in 2002. Injuries killed this squad all season long as well as bad turnovers, and they showed their immaturity. This year looks to be tough as well, but hopefully the injury bug will leave their camp. HC Lou Holtz has done a fine job turning this program around the last few years, but he will have his patience tested once again by this young team. The QB position has a little more experience than last year, but it?s far from a top-notch group. The RB?s got plenty of reps last season due to injuries, and should be more productive. The O-line is completely revamped, and will be the question mark of the offense heading into this campaign. This team will be in most of its games due to its defense. The D-line is loaded with talent, and is very deep. It will definitely cut down on last season?s YPC average of 3.6, and get to the QB more. With the ?D? switching to the 4-3, the LB core looks to be in great shape. All 3 starters have experience, and are nasty. The secondary got torched last season as it had to replace 3 starters. Both CB?s return, and I expect the secondary as a whole to improve especially with the big man himself coaching them. SC?s special teams can only get better since they were ranked close to last in the entire league. I feel the Cocks are another year away from being conference contenders. They?re just too young right now, and their immaturity won?t allow them to pull out the close ones.

-- The Cocks are 0-4 ATS the L/2 years as a home pup.


Vandy is in its second year of the Bobby Johnson era, and look to improve on last seasons record. Vandy had a few solid teams back in the 90?s, but their talent level has significantly dropped off since then. This year?s team will be better in the second year of the program, but they?re still way behind the other schools in terms of talent. They?re also a very young team. The Commodores do have a solid RB in Kwane Doster, so be careful when laying all those points against these guys. The defense gets a majority of last seasons players back, and should improve on last season?s numbers. Vandy doesn?t have the talent to beat any of the upper echelon schools in the SEC, but I think they?ll be a solid team to grab the points with this year.

-- Vandy is 13-7 ATS as a double-digit home pup, and were 2-1-1 as a home dog LY.


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Nov 27, 2001
thanks for the info, Rosey..... I hope Tennessee is going to be good this season. As you pointed out they were really hurt by injuries and players not stepping-up when they needed them the most. They are my team, win or lose, but I think they are ready for a good season. Tough road games will be the key. ;)


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Feb 12, 2000
Rosey--Thanks for the great write-ups. As a Georgia fan, I am excited and scared about the season. I hope everyone is wrong about us dropping off so much. Only time will tell. The worst situation for me is having UT in-laws now!:eek:

What I really wanted to comment on is Florida. I think they will be one of the big surprise teams of the year. Everyone and their sister's boyfriend's aunt has written them off. Zook did a MARVELOUS job recruiting. Now we will have to see how he can command his troops. I am looking for favorable lines on the Gators this year.
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