Senor Cappers YTD Record

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Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003
I hope this is ok Senor but people are asking...

I have his record from week one on. These are from MY notes. I could have missed a play or two and lines could vary but I have him at 62% winners over his 71 plays this year.

I think he has his record by week in his signature line.

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Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
No biggie. I just didn't think it was everyone's business. Only clients. But so much worthless posts are cluttering up the forums, so yeah I don't mind. Could've asked first though lol :tongue

Thanks for being a client :0008 PocketAces

Here's the record in detail .....
It barely fit in signature box


Registered User
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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
No biggie. I just didn't think it was everyone's business. Only clients. But so much worthless posts are cluttering up the forums, so yeah I don't mind. Could've asked first though lol :tongue

Thanks for being a client :0008 PocketAces

Here's the record in detail .....
It barely fit in signature box

I tell you one thing, him posting your record should only increase your business. That's a very good record, you are setting yourself ahead of the other services here.
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
No biggie. I just didn't think it was everyone's business. Only clients.

You didn't think it was everyone's business, or you didn't think it was "good for business"?

Let's face it, Lanny......You had no issue telling everyone and their brother how everything played out in the weeks you cleaned house. But, that's the name of the tout game, isn't it? People don't become "clients" showing them the shit weeks.

I hope everyone comes out on top, but I had hopes the Madjack's touts would have been a cut above the ilk we see every season everywhere else.
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Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000

Nobodys business.

I didn't want it posted. Any of my clients could have if they so desired. But they didn't. We a have a GREAT bunch of guys in our forum. No bashing. No smartasses. Good people. :0074

Plus I just don't understand why anyone would care what I'm doing if you not part of it? :shrug:

Bashing fodder? :facepalm:

Some people need to get a life. I don't care who is doing what, unless it affects me.


I didn't think it was "good for business??"

If I posted those bad weeks, my clients wouldn't have joined and they would have missed out.
I think it worked out very well for them !!

Guess it WAS good for business :0008


YYZ you've been around a while.,,,
Do you bet the early weeks, when you don't know much about any of the teams?
A smart person wouldn't.

To produce a decent record in the early weeks you gotta be lucky. Nothing else convinces me otherwise.
Yes I wasn't lucky and had a bad two weeks.
Yes it sucks that it's gotta be part of my record because I was obligated to produce plays those two weeks.

Anyway there are the "shit" weeks. :0corn

I look at it this way....What can I do for you now NOT what I've already done..

Plenty of season left and money to pocket !!

Best of luck for the rest of the season :toast:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 22, 2006

Nobodys business.

I didn't want it posted. Any of my clients could have if they so desired. But they didn't. We a have a GREAT bunch of guys in our forum. No bashing. No smartasses. Good people. :0074

Plus I just don't understand why anyone would care what I'm doing if you not part of it? :shrug:

Bashing fodder? :facepalm:

Some people need to get a life. I don't care who is doing what, unless it affects me.


I didn't think it was "good for business??"

If I posted those bad weeks, my clients wouldn't have joined and they would have missed out.
I think it worked out very well for them !!

Guess it WAS good for business :0008


YYZ you've been around a while.,,,
Do you bet the early weeks, when you don't know much about any of the teams?
A smart person wouldn't.

To produce a decent record in the early weeks you gotta be lucky. Nothing else convinces me otherwise.
Yes I wasn't lucky and had a bad two weeks.
Yes it sucks that it's gotta be part of my record because I was obligated to produce plays those two weeks.

Anyway there are the "shit" weeks. :0corn

I look at it this way....What can I do for you now NOT what I've already done..

Plenty of season left and money to pocket !!

Best of luck for the rest of the season :toast:

PS I'm going to be in CHICAGO this Thursday - Monday if you wanna drop down and buy me a beer or two ;)

if someone is deciding whether or not to join your service why should they not be able to know what your record is? you really want to be that scum bag tout that uses the cheesy lines like "LET ME MAKE THE WINNING EASY FOR YOU" ? they should just blindly follow you because you are self proclaiming to be great? touts should be transparent. if you want people to pay you for picking a fucking side in a sports game, the least you can do is make an effort and show WHY they should jump on board. using the "people know me they know what theyre getting" angle is a load of bullshit and just screams of someone wanting to hide their record because theyre scared of losing customers when and if their picks go in the shitter.

you could have easily started your service after week 2. you opted to let people pay you for another week or 2 of picks and now you are crying because the bad weeks are part of your record. what the fuck? how about next year you give out the first 2 weeks free if they are the bad weeks? or dont start your service till week 3? cant have it both ways.

very true but just like handicapping, a major aspect of it is how in form are you? when people handicap a game they typically look at what type of form a team is in. have they strung together a win streak recently? are they hot? what conditions are favorable to that specific team? a detailed record also helps prospective clients pick their spots. some guys cant shell out a years worth of picks, or they might be content handicapping on their own but get stuck one week and want to buy your picks. maybe they handicap your handicapping. maybe you are good in weeks 5-13 but shit the bed the last 3 weeks of the season. maybe you are lights out with teams coming off a bye week, or maybe you have a terrible record on monday night games.

nobody is bashing you. all people want is some transparency and honesty which is a lost quality in most touts out there. like yyz said, it would be nice to see some honest guys here who arent afraid of hiding anything and not resorting to the same old scum bag tout tactics across the internet.
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Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md

Nobodys business.

I didn't want it posted. Any of my clients could have if they so desired. But they didn't. We a have a GREAT bunch of guys in our forum. No bashing. No smartasses. Good people. :0074

Plus I just don't understand why anyone would care what I'm doing if you not part of it? :shrug:

Bashing fodder? :facepalm:

Some people need to get a life. I don't care who is doing what, unless it affects me.


I didn't think it was "good for business??"

If I posted those bad weeks, my clients wouldn't have joined and they would have missed out.
I think it worked out very well for them !!

Guess it WAS good for business :0008


YYZ you've been around a while.,,,
Do you bet the early weeks, when you don't know much about any of the teams?
A smart person wouldn't.

To produce a decent record in the early weeks you gotta be lucky. Nothing else convinces me otherwise.
Yes I wasn't lucky and had a bad two weeks.
Yes it sucks that it's gotta be part of my record because I was obligated to produce plays those two weeks.

Anyway there are the "shit" weeks. :0corn

I look at it this way....What can I do for you now NOT what I've already done..

Plenty of season left and money to pocket !!

Best of luck for the rest of the season :toast:

PS I'm going to be in CHICAGO this Thursday - Monday if you wanna drop down and buy me a beer or two ;)


If its all luck the first couple weeks then why risk your clients money by placing wagers the first two weeks?

And what is wrong with knowing someones record who is charging for picks.

I have used a service or two in my day and always looked at their record before purchasing the service.

If you were going to invest money into an investment firm or something along those lines would you not want to look at past performance?

You have always done a great job of capping and keeping track of your record, there is nothing wrong with people wanting to know it and you making it available. The transparency should help you gain more customers in the long run.


Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003
You guys wanted the records and now you have the records.

The results are obviously every other year he's posted here.

So what are you going to do with the information you so desperately wanted? Surely this is enough to sign up.

It seems like some people just wanted to bash because he "went pay". Almost wishing he was losing. Never intending to join.

Now that people see that they can't bash the record they need to complain about how fast they got the information.

It's such a waste of time really. Join or move on.

What does everyone want next?


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 22, 2006
You guys wanted the records and now you have the records.

The results are obviously every other year he's posted here.

So what are you going to do with the information you so desperately wanted? Surely this is enough to sign up.

It seems like some people just wanted to bash because he "went pay". Almost wishing he was losing. Never intending to join.

Now that people see that they can't bash the record they need to complain about how fast they got the information.

It's such a waste of time really. Join or move on.

What does everyone want next?

nobody is bashing. everyone has continuously said great job, great run, and keep up the good work.
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Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003
nobody is bashing. everyone has continuously said great job, great run, and keep up the good work.

Good point. Sorry for getting defensive. I guess I was just reading the wrong tone in the posts.



Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000

how old are you? :facepalm:



If its all luck the first couple weeks then why risk your clients money by placing wagers the first two weeks??..........

there is no IF grasshopper.
Clients paid. I tried, and if they bet, it's not my fault because the were forewarned.
Regardless I took care of them anyway. :0074

I don't bet weeks 1 & 2 because we haven't seen enough of the teams. Clients advised beforehand.

....and I'm not scared of losing clients. I'm here to provide a service and make them money like I have the last 12 years. So far I'm doing just that.
I'm not a scammer. I'm here both to make money and help others do the same. No different than any other year except I make a little dough doing it.

If they want to leave or not even join up, so be it. I still bet my plays and make money, regardless of how many clients I have.

Bottom line is that the Record is posted now so you all can stop your whining.

You all were sounding like a bunch of bitches. :D


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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 15, 2000
Delta, BC
if someone is deciding whether or not to join your service why should they not be able to know what your record is?

you could have easily started your service after week 2. you opted to let people pay you for another week or 2 of picks and now you are crying because the bad weeks are part of your record. what the fuck? how about next year you give out the first 2 weeks free if they are the bad weeks? or dont start your service till week 3? cant have it both ways.

nobody is bashing you. all people want is some transparency and honesty which is a lost quality in most touts out there. like yyz said, it would be nice to see some honest guys here who arent afraid of hiding anything and not resorting to the same old scum bag tout tactics across the internet.


If its all luck the first couple weeks then why risk your clients money by placing wagers the first two weeks?

And what is wrong with knowing someones record who is charging for picks.

You have always done a great job of capping and keeping track of your record, there is nothing wrong with people wanting to know it and you making it available. The transparency should help you gain more customers in the long run.

I agree with all of this. No body is bashing. I asked the question about weeks 1-3 and wasn't thrilled with the answer. That did push me towards not subscribing. I know Senor is a great capper and will continue to be great! But shocked at how he chose to answer/display results. He said he started the service to finally get something back and I'm 100% cool with that! He's provided more than fair share of FREE info here over the years! Thanks for that!

But by the sounds of it wants to hide his losing weeks but reveal the winning weeks. Just be up front and honest and I think that will get more subscribers I'd think... As for weeks 1-3, I don't understand how you are obligated to make plays? If I'm paying for a service I'm paying for info/advice. If that advice is to not play weeks 1-3 then I'd be happy about that and not expect any plays. That's what I'm paying for!

And not sure why you don't want to share your record on the forum that people would be looking to sign up for? Even with weeks 1-3 included you still have a great record and a great past!

Normally I'm against services, but I was thinking the services here @ Madjacks would be diff then the rest and upfront/willing to share records etc!

I still wish you the best Senor and like I said I know you will continue to crush! Goodluck!

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
I charge per week, month or season.....

So if you buy one week, which happens to be Week 1 or 2. I should do nothing ?
Say..... come back another week. LOL

Or a month... your happy only getting plays for two of your four weeks?

I wish everyone was like that.

Bummer that I lost you as a client. hmh

I don't have the power to change one week for another week. Or Add or takeaway weeks
Or to start at Week 3 or end on Week 16.

My completed work is for my clients.

thanks for the ups :0074
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Casa Bonita Cliff Diver
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
I charge per week, month or season.....

So if you buy one week, which happens to be Week 1 or 2. I should do nothing ?
Say..... come back another week. LOL

Or a month... your happy only getting plays for two of your four weeks?

I wish everyone was like that.

Bummer that I lost you as a client. hmh

I don't have the power to change one week for another week. Or Add or takeaway weeks
Or to start at Week 3 or end on Week 16.

My completed work is for my clients.

thanks for the ups :0074

Bottom line for you and Thunder is very simple. Your records should be 3rd party monitored. IT'S CHEAP. IT'S HONESTY.
Allows new and current subscribers real time #'s. It's not what you do in week 1 or week 4 it's where you end the season.
Allowing others to see your weekly plays after the game have started and your weekly record is the ONLY HONEST WAY to a successful business.
Good Luck.
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