2015 Tennis Record
Parlay 27-112
Head to Head 32-53
Over/Under 8-2
Game Spread 5-8
Prop 4-15
Futures 0-2
+18.80 units
Yulia Putintseva
Barbora Krejcikova
Shelby Rogers
Kateryna Bondarenko/Olga Savchuk
odds = $14.09 (13.09-1) *half unit
Parlay 27-112
Head to Head 32-53
Over/Under 8-2
Game Spread 5-8
Prop 4-15
Futures 0-2
+18.80 units
Yulia Putintseva
Barbora Krejcikova
Shelby Rogers
Kateryna Bondarenko/Olga Savchuk
odds = $14.09 (13.09-1) *half unit