Sharpshooter Picks

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Oct 5, 2006
Finally Sharpshooter back in action. This week I'll shoot down 4 games for everyone here.

GB -9.5
Pathers virtually has no offense here and they lost at home to Falcons last week. Pathers has no passing game at all with these crappy backup QBs and their running game will simply get shut down by Packers' good rushing defense. With Smith out they are even in deeper crap. Expect BF continues to perform well in his own territory.

OAK +4.5
With Peterson out, I don't know if Minny has any offense left. Their passing game sucks, no rushing now, and their passing defense sucks. I think now Minny is even worse than Raiders. Daunte Culpepper will start on Sun and look for his revenge and transfer that energy into a good performance. Remember he leaded Minny to 3 Pro bowl season and got accused for being greedy and self centred, then later on he got traded.

HOU -1
It reminds me of last week DET/ARI game... HOU came off a bye week with some starters back. NO got beaten up at home by the Rams. I expect HOU has a better mentality and pull off a win here. Public is also heavily favored on NO and that reassure me further for taking HOU.

DAL -11
Nomo will exploit the Skins bad pass defense. Campbell doesn't seem to have the ability to carry the team. DAL is just simply a better team. The SKins barely escaped Zone and the Fins....

GL, as always!!! :com: