Shocking Jobs Of Celebrities Before They Became Famous


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
REally some of these are truly shocking


Hugh Jackman was a clown at children?s parties. He called himself ?Coco? the clown and worked as a clown for over 3 years making only around $50 a show.

He recalls one particular event when a child actually stood up in the middle of a party and screamed that he was a terrible clown who literally didn?t know any tricks or had any talents.


2. Rachel McAdams

Rachel McAdams worked at McDonald?s for 3 years before she was famous. She was only 16 at the time she started working there. She needed something to pay the bills and being a director for children?s theater wasn?t exactly cutting it.

She admitted to being one of the worst employees ever. She would constantly wash her hands which led to long waits at the drive-through window. She also broke the orange juice machine. Good thing she found acting when she did.



3. Channing Tatum

Channing Tatum was a stripper. He starting stripping when he was 19 years old after dropping out of college. He said he stripped to pay for his wild, partying lifestyle.

His dad never knew about his stripping days and actually found out in 2010, when Channing told Ellen Degeneres about it on The Ellen Show.


4. Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg put makeup on dead people as a morgue beautician. Before she won her Oscar, Whoopi went to beauty school and received her beautician?s license. One day, while she was unemployed, she saw an ad in the newspaper that was asking for a morgue beautician, the person who does the hair and makeup for the dead.

She was hesitant to take the job, and on the first day, her boss decided to play a prank on her to ease her tensions. While she was working, Whoopi noticed a drawer opening by itself and then all of a sudden a body (secretly her boss) sat up and said ?hello there?.

Before Whoopi could see who it was, she started running away and actually knocked herself out on the door. When she finally came to, her boss apologized and told her that he wanted to show her what the worst thing that could happen on the job would be. After that, Whoopi was no longer afraid and actually accepted the job.


5. Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson used to work at Burger King. She worked the drive-thru and used the drive-thru mic to showcase her singing. She was extremely lucky that her manager was actually a club-promoter too. After years of hearing her sing into the drive-thru mic, he finally hired her to sing at one of his clubs.

She told Howard Stern that she would make more money from one night of singing at the club than working 2 weeks at Burger King. She has certainly come a long way from singing into the drive-thru mic.


6. Mick Jagger

Mick was a porter at a mental hospital. In the early 60?s, Mick didn?t exist yet. Instead, he was only known as Mike Jagger, his real name. He worked as a porter at Bexley psychiatric hospital.

He actually lost his virginity to a nurse who worked at the hospital. They supposedly did it in a cupboard in the hospital. That may have been the day Mick was born..


7. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp used to sell ball-point pens over the phone. Yes, that?s right, ball-point pens over the phone. They weren?t any ball-point pens however, they were personalized pens with the person?s name printed on them.

No one he called wanted to be called. He used that opportunity to work on different fake voices and personas to help relate to the people more. Little did he know that that training would help him later in his life for roles like Captian Jack Sparrow and The Mad Hatter.


8. Amy Adams

She worked at Hooters. She was only 18 when she worked there and started out as a hostess and later moved to waiting tables.

She wasn?t shy about admitting she used to work there, stating that it was a great way to earn money for college.


9. Jon Hamm

Jon a set dresser for adult films! What is a set dresser you ask? It?s the person who arranges things on a set before a scene is filmed. Like furniture, decorations, etc.

Jon has always said how depressing it was working there. It was softcore porn for Cinemax, so there wasn?t actual sex happening. He never understood why directors would be so, pardon the pun, anal about the consistency of the set at different camera angles like where an ashtray was placed for example.


10. Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford was a carpenter. After landing some minor roles in film and television, he decided to get a day job as they weren?t exactly paying the bills for him, his wife and two sons.

He taught himself carpentry. He actually had some big name clients, including actress Sally Kellerman, who he built a sun deck for and Brazilian musician Sergio Mendes, who he built a record studio for. It also allowed him to become a stagehand for the band, The Doors.


11. Jim Carrey

Jim was forced to work in a factory as a cleaner. When he was in 8th grade, his father lost his job and his family found themselves homeless. As part of a deal to get them housing, they agreed to take care of a factory, all of them. Because of school, Jim used to have to work the night shift, cleaning for 8 hours shifts at a time.

This gruesome schedule led to Jim?s school grades falling and eventually him dropping out of school at a very young age. Thankfully, he found joy when most people would have given up. His dad also encouraged him to explore his comedic side and Jim without a doubt would not have been as successful as he was if he
hadn?t gone through all that turmoil.


12. Vince Vaughn

Vince worked as a lifeguard at the YMCA. He once ?saved? an elderly woman who was floating from the shallow end to the deep end slowly. The water was up to her chin when his boss told him to save her. He moved her a few feet back toward the shallow end and she thanked him.

His boss congratulated him on his first save, but when he went home and told his dad, his dad quickly brought him back to earth. ?You didn?t save anybody! That?s ridiculous. You moved a senior a couple of feet.? Vince would later get fired for being late too many times.


13. Danny Devito

Danny Devito was a hairdresser.. for dead people. He would got to mortuaries and fix up the hair of dead women before they were buried.

He knew he never wanted to go to college so after working at his sister?s beauty salon for a bit, he decided to go to beauty school. Him and Whoopi Goldberg would?ve made a hell of a team!



14. Gerard Butler

Gerard was a lawyer. He received his law degree from the University of Glasgow Law School. It was a very prestigious career path, especially because his family came from modest beginnings.

But Gerard soon realized that the lawyer lifestyle just wasn?t for him. He hated the suit and tie aspect of it all and loved partying too much. He was actually fired just a week before his training period was complete for being too wild. Colleagues would tell many stories of him out drinking and doing crazy things, one including him smashing bottles over his own head.


15. Halle Berry

Halle was a saleswoman in a department store. After graduating high school, she worked in the children?s section of Higbee?s department store to help pay for some of her college expenses. She was majoring in broadcast journalism.

After she did well in a few beauty contests, she decided to pack up her things and move to NY to pursue acting. The first few years were rough, as she found it difficult to land any roles. She actually ended up staying at a homeless shelter during that time because she ran out of money.


16. Eva Mendes

Eva sold hot dogs on sticks at the mall. The name of the place was aptly named, ?Hot Dog On A Stick?. She was excited to start working at a very young age, 15 was the legal age in California.

She first worked at a pizza/pasta food shop in the mall and after applying to places like Nordstrom, she settled on selling lemonade and hot dogs on a stick instead.


17. Evangeline Lilly

Evangline was a flight attendant for Royal Airlines. She hated the job, the people, and to top it off, the destinations were never any good either.

She recalled one passenger who got under her skin. It just so happened that she was suffering from a case of bad gas that day as well. It is an unwritten rule that if you?re a flight attendant, don?t fart on the plane. Well she disliked this man so much that she saved up a bunch of gas and waited until the exact moment she walked passed his row, row 48, and let one rip right in his face.


18. Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy worked in a slaughterhouse in England. He also was a plumber?s assistant, worked at a morgue and tested car horns?

Ozzy worked in the slaughterhouse for 2 years, killing cows during that time. Now he is a vegetarian.. go figure.


19. Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow an elementary school teacher. Right after she graduated college, she began teaching music at Kellison Elementary School in Missouri. Her teaching day job allowed her to perform music during the weekends.

Her first musical gigs were actual commercial jingles. She first did one for a popular department store in St. Louis and then moved on to doing jingles for Toyota and McDonald?s. She supposedly got paid $40,000 for the McDonald?s one.


20. George Clooney

George Clooney had a slew of odd jobs before he hit it big. He used to do construction, cut tobacco, work at a women?s shoe store, and sold insurance door-to-door.

On his first day on the job as an insurance salesman, he was happy to sell his first policy to an old man. But that man died shortly after.


21. Kanye West

Kanye used to be a sales assistant at the Gap. While he went to high school, he worked at the Gap part time. He said he hated it and would steal from the store. Apparently they didn?t pay him that well, which led him to eventually quit.

He mentions working at the Gap in one of his songs, ?Spaceship?. He also credits them for inspiring him to design and start his own clothing line.


22. Nicole Kidman

Nicole was a massage therapist when she was only 17 years old. She did this to support her mom who was just diagnosed with breast cancer.

The financial aspect was great, but Nicole really started to study massage therapy to help her mom?s aching body as she went through cancer treatment. She actually put her acting career on hold to do that. What an amazing daughter.:00hour


23. Tina Fey

Tina was a receptionist at a YMCA in Evanston, Illinois. She took the job because she needed a way to pay for her classes at Second City, which was known for their improv in Chicago.

The job started at 5:30 in the morning and her shift ended at 2 in the afternoon. It was perfect timing for her night class schedule, and the slew of characters that she must?ve dealt with that early in the morning at the Y was probably great material for her eventual comedy career.


24. Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken was a lion tamer. Yes, that?s right, a lion tamer. When he was 16, he decided to go for the job after he saw an ad in the paper.

He played an older lion tamer?s son and was only responsible of taming one female lion. He says that she was more like a dog and would rub up against his leg like a house cat. No, Christoper Walken.. she was a LION.


25. Kevin Hart

Before Kevin Hart became one of the most popular comedians of all time, he was a shoe salesman.

He actually had high aspirations of becoming the best shoe salesman in the country, eventually wanting to work for Nike corporate. He told Howard Stern that it was also a good way to pick up women. He would compliment them on their feet and spit shoe lingo at them and they would eventually sleep with him. He has since used that same charm to woo us all at the box office.


26. Angelina Jolie

Although she never actually worked as one, Angelina has admitted that before acting, she applied to be a director of a funeral home.

This actually should not come as a surprise with all the gothic beliefs her and Billy Bob Thornton used to showcase.


27. Mariah Carey

Mariah worked at a beauty salon sweeping floors. The owner of the salon was very eccentric and wanted everyone to be called a unique name. He gave Mariah the name ?Echo?.

When he asked Mariah her name, she said Mariah. He asked her again and she was forced to say Echo. Then she told him she had to make a phone call, left and never went back.


28. Rihanna

Rihanna used to sell hats and clothes on the streets of Barbados. Her family came from humble beginnings and when she was a child her father sold clothes from the trunk of his car on the street. She quickly learned the ropes and began setting up her own rack, selling anything from hats to belts to even scarves.

She also used to package up candy that she bought on her own and sell them at her school for more than she paid. It wasn?t until years later that she would sign with Jay Z and Def Jam records. The rest is history.


29. Harry Styles

Harry worked in a bakery in the town he was raised Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. The place was called W. Mandeville Bakery, and Harry actually revisited the place back in 2013 to surprise customers and serve them some treats.

He recalls that he only made ?6 an hour, which less than $8 an hour. When he was on X Factor, they asked him what he did and he actually responded, ?I work in a bakery?. He made a wise choice leaving the job and quitting school to pursue his music career.


30. Beyonce

Exactly like Mariah Carey, Beyonce used to sweep hair in a salon. The only difference was that Beyonce?s mother, Tina, was the owner of the salon.

Tina Knowles was a beautician who opened the salon Headliners in Houston, which went on to be wildly successful. In the salon, Beyonce would sweep the hair but also sang for tips. She admitted that she was working so that she could pay for a season pass to Six Flags.


31. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer was a bike messenger in New York City. Way back when, people used to deliver letters and packages to friends and family via bike messenger and Jennifer Aniston admittedly was a horrible one.

She was always late, not because she wasn?t fast on the bike, but because she was very bad with directions.


32. Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift grew up on a Christmas Tree farm when she was younger. At that time, she was too young to help lift the trees, so her family put her in charge of pulling off the preying mantis pods off the trees.

Apparently, if left on, they hatch and become a huge nuisance to the tree owner. One customer learned that the hard way, as Taylor forgot to check their tree and hundred of thousands of preying mantises infested their home. Thanks Taylor!


33. Owen Wilson

Owen Wilson used to be a pool cleaner. He recalls being fired from the job, not for a forbidden romance, but rather a misunderstanding.

He had an unorthodox way of cleaning pools. Instead of using a skimmer like most pool boys, he liked to get into the water and clean from the inside of the pool. The people that hired him accused him of swimming on the job and fired him. Whether he was actually swimming or not, we will never know.


34. Nicki Minaj

Nicki used to be a waitress at Red Lobster. She didn?t like it very much as the kitchen was very hot and she was tired of customers ordering extra bread all the time.

At 19, she used to make over $500 a week from Red Lobster, which allowed her to buy a brand new BMW. But sometime down the line, she was fired for, you guessed it, being rude to customers.


35. Julia Roberts

Before Julia made it big, she was an ice cream scooper at Baskin Robbins. She wanted to be a veterinarian when she was younger, but instead moved to New York to pursue modeling and acting.

Here?s a fun fact: do you know who else was an ice cream scooper at Baskin Robbins? None other than Mr. President himself, Brack Obama.


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Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA

36. Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt used to have 2 ridiculous jobs. The first was being a limo driver for strippers. He would be the one taking strippers to bachelor parties and other engagements. He?d collect the money, play the music, and even catch the girls? clothes.

He also used to work at the restaurant, El Pollo Loco. He was actually the one that had to dress up as the chicken mascot and pass out fliers to


37. Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani used to be a server at Dairy Queen while she was still a senior in high school. This would prove to change her life.

Her brother, Eric, who also worked at the Dairy Queen, decided to form a little band called No Doubt that included their fellow Dairy Queen employees. Gwen agreed to be the lead singer for the band.


39. Megan Fox

When Megan was younger, she worked at a smoothie shop in Florida, but she wasn?t just the person behind the counter making and serving the smoothies.

One day a week, she had to dress up as a banana and go to the highway to try and convince people who drove by to go in the shop.


40. Russell Crowe

Russell started out as a musician in the early 80?s. He performed under the stage name, Russ Le Roq. He realsed one song titled, ?I Want To Be Like Marlon Brando?.

Also in the early 80?s, he formed a band called Roman Antix. He was the load vocalist and guitarist for the band that later changed their name to 30 Odd Foot Of Grunts.



41. Lucy Liu

Lucy was an aerobics instructor. She was very fixed on becoming an actor and knew that in order to achieve her goals, she would need money saved up to supplement the low paying gigs she would initially get.

She worked 7 days a week, during the weekdays she was a secretary, but on the weekends she was an aerobics instructor by day and a hostess of a barbecue restaurant at night. She said the schedule was grueling but it had to be done. She was discovered on the subways of NYC of all places and the rest is history.
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