Should Mets bean Clemens?

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Jul 17, 2001
I was watching the Jim Rome show "last word" and they were talking about the Clemens not being protected by the DH when he visits the Mets in Shea Stadium and with the the Piazza head bean and thrown bat incident, should Mets pitchers throw at Clemens when he goes up to bat?


Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
You want a biased answer, YES. Bean that scumbag. If pitching inside is just "part of the game" and Clemens wanted to prove a point, then retaliation is just "part of the game" and Clemens better take his medicine here. I'm sure the umpires will protect that prick though and issue warnings prior to the start of the game. If that happens, the Mets should still plunk him. There was never any closure to this situation.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I agree with He Hate Me. Pitching high and tight and hitting guys on purpose used to be very integral to the game. I like Clemons. He's tough, and if he does hit somebody, he can stand the mound and not duck like some other wussies if he gets charged. If the Mets do bean Clemons, then they will have a pitcher on the DL after Clemons gets done whipping his butt.

Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
hello there,

This is now your 3rd seperate thread regarding Clemens and/or Bonds. Try to keep it all in one thread since it relates to the same subject matter. Thanks.

As far as "should they" purposely bean Clemens....I think the question should be "will they" bean him but I think it's going to depend a lot on the situation they're in at the time.

Clemens will face the music when he heads into Shea and has to grab a bat. I can tell you one thing, he will see 2 or 3 balls high and inside, that is of course unless Torre manipulates the rotation and gives Roger the day off.

I'm not a big Clemens "fan" but I do like his attitude and the unrelenting way he approaches the game. He's got the guts to stand in the way of 100+ mph line drives to deliver a 95+ mph pitch, and if a batter tries to get an advantage by crowding the plate, he reminds them just who one of the most dominating pitchers in baseball is and who owns that plate.

Let's not forget that the pitcher is the most vulnerable player on the field. Why? In part, because steroid-created monsters get to sit in a nice comfort zone, protected by league mores (via ejection-crazy umps), and take gargantuan hacks without fear of harm to themselves, while the pitcher is in a vulnerable position less than 60 feet away, after follow-through.
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
It is generally considered taboo to throw at a pitcher when he is up to bat. The message is generally sent by throwing at the best hitter or the best liked player on the team. That being said,why should they throw at Clemens? I guarantee the pitchers on the Mets agree with Clemens as far as pitching inside and being able to control the plate. It really kind of throws me off when people dog "The Rocket". He or Maddux or Johnson are the best pitchers of their time and are certainly first ballot Hall of Famers. Have you ever watched the guy pitch? Just because he constantly wears out your team or gets people out with a high strike doesn't mean he should be held up to any added scrutiny by the public or the league of umpires. He is an AWESOME pitcher. I have an idea for the Mets and the Mets fans, don't worry about beaning Roger, worry about laying off the high fastballs and try to get ahead in the count. That is how you hurt Roger, by beating him not beaning him.


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Jun 12, 2002
Well generally you dont throw at the pitcher, but in this case I think it is definitely called for. After that bat issue with Piazza and now this blatent throw at Barry, I dont think he should be treated like a pitcher, since he is acting like a number three or four hitter with more braun than brains.

I say plunk him and lets get a good bench clearing going on


hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001

This is now your 3rd seperate thread regarding Clemens and/or Bonds. Try to keep it all in one thread since it relates to the same subject matter. Thanks. ~F Monk
Yes, same subject matter, but different topics. And different topics deserve their own threads. Thanks. :p
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Registered User
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Nov 9, 2000
Man,this topic is the talk of the sports radio crowd in NY & in all the NY newspapers.It is also on a few sites.This knockdown topic is way out of proportion.It is part of the game.
I am sure everyone has seen some players after hittin a HR standing at homeplate admiring the distance of the shot & proceeding to jog around the bases very slowly.That is showing the pitcher up,but never hear anyone complain about that.

The Mets blew their chance.They should have thrown at Jeter or Williams in the same game that Piazza was decked,or the next game.Throwing at Clemens 2 years after the fact is minor league.Because if Mets throw at Clemens the Yankees will retaliate & eventually there could be a bench clearing brawl & someone could get hurt.


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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
As a met fan I wish they would have retaliated sooner but Joe Torre shuffled his rotation last year to avoid clemens hitting at shea. I hope they cripple his fat ass. If they hit him they better make sure he is not able to continue, or he will really come back and hurt someone.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
if they don't do it the first at bat it will go down as the all time spineless moves in baseball and if i was a player for the mets i would beat the shit out of estes,even if it does not come from the bench it is his job to get payback and if he doesnot do heis job he isnot a team player and a puss.

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
Roger CLemen's fat ass is bigger than the strike zone, and Estes still missed him.


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Dec 6, 2000
Alberta, Canada

Was estes really trying to hit him? Up to that point he had seemingly perfect control... He obviously aimed low and away from the head, but the question remains, did he try (thinking Roger would back away into it...)or was throwing close behind him the aim to meerely send a message?

After all, he didn't want to get tossed, knowing he had a homer off Clemens up his sleeve.

That HR by a pitcher probably smarted a lot more for Roger than a bruise on his ass



He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
Piazza needs to get beaned tomorrow, the Yanks need to send a message, you dont have 2 homeruns hit off your ace and then have your opp lauug at a press confrence about beanball thrown at your pitcher. Pizza needs to get drilled above the waist again, after those antics. If not pizza somebody needs to get plunked.


Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
He Hate Me said:
Piazza needs to get beaned tomorrow, the Yanks need to send a message, you dont have 2 homeruns hit off your ace and then have your opp lauug at a press confrence about beanball thrown at your pitcher. Pizza needs to get drilled above the waist again, after those antics. If not pizza somebody needs to get plunked.

If the Yankees bean Piazza tomorrow, they'll look like big time scumbags again. You think Steinbrenner wants that All-American image tainted anymore? All I have to say is that if another Met gets drilled today, I better see some bloody Yankees laying on the field. Not only did Piazza get hit in the head and have a bat thrown at him, Burnitz got hit in the head the 1st game of this series. So far the Yankees have come away unscathed for the most part. We all know that this Clemens injury was a puss out on his part because he was getting rocked. Can't leave ole Roger in if he's getting hit.

As far as Estes is concerned, he stepped up big time by throwing the ball at Clemens, even if he didn't hit him. Estes was not a member of the Mets until this year and showed some stones even if he missed Clemens. More importantly, Estes did the talking on the mound by striking out 11 and not giving up a run. He also smacked Clemens around for a 2 run shot. That in itself, was retribution for me. The Piazza dinger was a nice, as was the 8-0 shutout of those ass clowns.
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