Getting a very weird error mesage when I try to go to Sportsinteraction.ANy body got any ideas why??
V vinny Registered User Forum Member Dec 4, 2002 29 0 0 Feb 15, 2003 #1 Getting a very weird error mesage when I try to go to Sportsinteraction.ANy body got any ideas why??
kickserv Wrong Forum Mod Forum MemberTop Poster Of Month May 26, 2002 90,765 1,599 113 50 Canada Feb 15, 2003 #2 just keep trying.......can get some weird messages with them sometimes...just keep trying
T trademaster Registered User Forum Member Jul 13, 2002 3,703 0 0 Vancouver BC Feb 16, 2003 #3 that is why i dumped SIA a few months back...there always down plus there lines aren't always up like other books
that is why i dumped SIA a few months back...there always down plus there lines aren't always up like other books