Sick advice


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Nov 2, 1999
Lockport,IL, USA
Well its 430 in the morning here at school and basically no one is here and I have the worst sore throat in the world, does anyone have any advice on what to drink take or whatever? I've always heard 7-up is the cure for most and ibuprofen but someone please help, it hursts pretty bad


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
drink hot tea and gargel with warm salt water,any soda or milk will stick to throat and make it worse gargel first


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA

salt water gargle will help.........water .........HOT....dont burn yourself....but hotter is better
get a strep test!
may need antbiotics!



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 2, 1999
Lockport,IL, USA
Thanks guys for the help, I feel a lot better now, didn't know what to do this morning and didnt wanna wake anyone up to ask them... thanks again


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I can't believe it hasn't been said yet:

"I got a cure for a 'sore throat', right here!"


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 2, 1999
Lockport,IL, USA

Wouldnt that help the sore throat, a nice big juicy POPCYCLE (SP?)

You are the sick one, bizniiiiiiiiiiiitch. HEHEHEEHEE:thefinger


Registered User
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Nov 2, 1999
Lockport,IL, USA
Went to the doctor yesterday and I went through all of these tests and whatnot and found that I have Mono and I there is a good chance I have strep throat as well, I have to wait for the test results for the strep today, haven't eaten in over 24 hours and have been sleeping way to much, also have taken like 6 showers and a bath in the past day in a half. Doctor says I could be like this for anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 weeks and no sports or alcohol for 4 to 6 weeks. This truly sucks


Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Go buy yourself a box of Celestial Seasons Lemon Zinger tea. Shit works mad tricks on your sore throat, I use that everytime in the winter when I get sick. Also buy a bottle of 500mg chewable Vitamin C and start popping them like candy. It wont go away overnight, but this will clear up alot of issues.


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Aug 21, 2001
Mt. Prospect, IL
The hot tea works well and also lots and lots of water. The idea is to clean out your system as fast as possible. I've never had mono but I've had strep. Antibiotics can take care of strep but I don't think they can prescibe anything for mono. It may just have to run its course.

Captain Crunch

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Apr 22, 2002
Lee's Summit, Mo.
LP7Slip, go to the health food store and buy a bottle of "Colloidal Siver". It is called the natural antibiotic and it works great. It ain't cheap, but it works. Put a tblspn of silver in a glass with a small amount of water and leave in your mouth, under your tongue for about 2 minutes, then swallow. Do this about 3 times a day. The microscopic silver particles kill funguses, bacteria and most other foreign invaders on contact. Your doctor will never prescribe this as it is a bit unconventional, but several years ago I had a case of Montezuma's Revenge, and it did the trick. I also take it whenever I feel a cold or flu coming on and it knocks it out quick, the sooner you start taking it the better. Good Luck. I had mono when I was in high school and it SUCKED BIG TIME. I lost 17 pounds. I was 6-3 155 down to 6-3 138. Talk about a string bean. The silver is harmless and has no side effects in these small of doses. The settlers back in olden days used to put a silver dollar in their canteen when they filled it up out of creek to kill any harmful invaders they may have picked up. Don't think I would want to try that now though.


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Nov 2, 1999
Lockport,IL, USA
Thanks for all the comments fellas, these past few days haven't been fun. My doctor says that I may have had Mono a lot longer and may not have known about it

Captain Crunch and whoever might know,

You said you dropped a crap load of what when you were in high school from Mono, I am having the same problem right now. I am 6 foot 1 and am a really husky guy, lets say around Mid-April I was at 275 pds, three or four days ago about 260 pds, and today I checked two accurate scales (my girlfriends and our recreatiation centers) and am at 246 pds.... Which really concerns me because thats just crazy loss in a short period of time, any idea how long this might last? I hope not to much longer, I haven't had anything but soup since Monday morning, I am thinking once the strep throats goes away it might be a bit easier to eat, but i have heard loss of apetite is a main part of mono.....

Well if you have any insight let me know, thanks again. For the support and remedies. Did try some of them and will try some other ones next time I am sick (hopefully not for along long time)

Gotta go take my penicillin pills for my throat, I am out like a fat kid in dodge ball


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Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
I'd suggest an increase in my vitamin C intake as well. if you don't have any OJ in the house, then march on down to your local INDEPENDENT drugstore and picky ya up some 500-1000mg tablets and take 2 in the a.m. and two more at bedtime. Don't worry about taking too much b/c you'll dispose a good portion of it when ya go take a peeeeee. A B12 supplement would also be a pretty good idea as well. If this situation occurs numerous times throughout the year, I'd suggest taking an herbal supplement called echinacea. It's a wonderful herbal supplement that helps fight off infection and bad bacteria. One of my pharmacists started taking it during the colder months nearly two years ago, and she has yet to have any type of ailment that required use of an antibiotic. Before this, you could mark it on your calendar that she'd be out of work 3-5 times during winter season.

Good Luck

Captain Crunch

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 22, 2002
Lee's Summit, Mo.
LP, I am 40 now and had it when I was in high school, so I don't remember a whole lot about it, but I do remember missing a week of school and ruined numerous pillows as I would sweat profusely while I would sleep. I had a broken bone in my hand when I got mono and after losing 17 pounds, the cast no longer fit properly and just banged around on my arm. I don't remember how long it took to gain the weight back, but I know it took a lot longer to get it back on then it did to lose it.

Neemer gave you some good advice for the cold and flu season but I am not sure that echinace (sp?) is what you need for this. Try that silver that I recommended and put under your tongue as gets into the blood stream faster that way. After you rid yourself of the virus, go and get a good "one-a-day" from a health food store to replinish what you have lost. It will help you get back on your feet faster. Good Luck. Let me know if there is any other questions you might have. The Doctor Is In. :)

If you have strep, get the silver and gargle with it 3 times a day as the silver will kill the strep on contact.
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