Sieg Heil


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005

Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine​


The left puts a target on Donald Trump’s back with Nazi, Adolf Hitler smears​

Miranda Devine
Published Oct. 23, 2024, 10:43 p.m. ET

Donald Trump has been the target of at least two assassination attempts.
And yet the vice president, Kamala Harris, called an “emergency” press conference Wednesday to tell the world that he is the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
“Donald Trump is out for unchecked power. He wants a military like Adolf Hitler had, who will be loyal to him, not our Constitution,” she said.
Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Gas South Arena in Duluth, Georgia, on October 23, 2024.
Former President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Gas South Arena in Duluth, Georgia, on October 23, 2024.AFP via Getty Images
“He is unhinged, unstable, and given a second term, there would be no one to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses.”

There is no way to sugarcoat the fact that Harris, in her desperation as her campaign heads down the toilet, has just invited more assassination attempts on her political rival.
She has green-lighted future efforts to murder him, with her carefully scripted, deliberately delivered official message from the official vice presidential residence in Washington, DC, using an American flag as her backdrop, just to add an obscene flourish.

Dems are so fearful, they’re now in the Trump-is-worse-than-Hitler stage as Election Day nears

Harris may as well have put a target on Trump’s back and called it a bull’s-eye like her boss, President Biden, did shortly before Trump escaped, by a fraction of an inch, being shot dead by an assassin’s bullet.
After all, any decent, reasonable person would try to assassinate Adolf Hitler if they had the opportunity to travel back in time and save 6 million Jews from genocide, and prevent World War II with its 15 million military casualties and 38 million civilian deaths.
That assassin would be hailed by history as a hero.
This is exactly the glory that Harris is offering fellow unhinged sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Tempting fate​

Given the shockingly violent recent history of this election campaign, it is not hyperbole to say that Harris has incited violence against her political opponent.
It is a logical, inevitable, predictable outcome of her carefully chosen words, and it will take uncharacteristic competence from the Secret Service, politically unhelpful caution from Trump, and God’s grace to keep him safe over the next two weeks.
In fact, people concerned about Trump’s well-being worry about the period until Inauguration Day because, if Trump were to win the election, and something were to happen to him, there is no guarantee that the unscrupulous, power-mad Democrats would allow his VP-elect, JD Vance, to take his place.
It’s a ghoulish thought but one that is top of mind for sanguine political operatives who understand the desperation of the Democrats and the deep-state cabal who covered up for Joe Biden and are propping up Harris.
To the cabal, Trump really is an existential threat — not to democracy or America, as we are frequently told, but to them and their control over the presidency.
It’s no coincidence that Harris’ pernicious press statement came soon after Biden said of Trump, “We’ve gotta lock him up,” thus blowing up all the elaborate lies he and Harris and the rest of their godforsaken administration have told about the politically motivated lawfare being conducted around the country against the former president and coordinated by the White House in numerous meetings and the seconding of DOJ attorneys to do the dirty work.
Calling Trump Hitler is Harris’ closing message of her benighted election campaign, a fitting capstone of almost four years of the deeply cynical and divisive reign of Biden-Harris.
Kamala Harris
VP Kamala Harris’ comparison of Trump to Adolf Hitler has put a target on the former president, writes Post columnist Miranda Devine.Getty Images
She is a failure as a candidate for president just as she was the first time she tried, when she flopped so badly, she didn’t even make it to 2020.
It was supreme hubris to think she could somehow transform herself into a winner when she hasn’t even tried to improve herself or learn anything new in the four years since.
In her failure, she reaches for her campaign’s dirtiest tricks, using the same ring-around-the-bathtub deep-staters who sabotaged Trump’s presidency and denied him re-election in 2020 by lying that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, among other foul tactics.
Enter John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, who has been on a vengeful jihad against his former boss after being fired and disrespected by him.
Kelly, a former four-star general, was not a good fit for the Trump White House and, by his own telling, tried to sabotage the president.
He also once physically shoved first daughter Ivanka Trump, according to her husband Jared Kushner’s memoir.
Just as he did in 2020, Kelly is spewing unverifiable, personally motivated venom about Trump, which the New York Times and the Atlantic happily amplify two weeks before the election without even attempting a fact check.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Dems are desperate. The only fascists are the democrat party. All the whining and crying when Trump wins will be worth the last 4 years of misery. I can't wait.
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
For you guys saying that America has been destroyed the last four years, I'm thinking you may be right. When Americans are making excuses for the candidate that is praising Adolf Hitler, we have truly fallen apart.
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sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005

October 24, 2024

Historian: From Censorship To Lawfare It’s The Democrat Party Today -- Not Republicans -- That Has Embraced The Exact Same Methods As The Nazis To Seize Power​

By James S. Corum - All News Pipeline
Ever since Trump first ran for president, a central theme among Democrats and the media has been that Trump is literally Hitler, and his supporters -- namely, Republicans -- are literally Nazis. This has gone viral in the 2024 campaign featuring the New Republic’s infamous cover showing Trump as Hitler, published only a week before the first assassination attempt against Trump in July.
As a historian who has done considerable writing and research into the history of the Third Reich, I think it’s time that someone who actually knows something about Hitler and Nazis to provide an assessment of these charges. I studied in Germany and for more than three decades I have spent many weeks in the German archives poring over documents of the Third Reich so I could write many books and academic articles on the Wehrmacht. The historians of the Bundeswehr’s History Office (authors of outstanding scholarship on the Third Reich) thought enough of my scholarship to commission me to author a chapter on Nazi war crimes in a book on 20th-century war crimes.
I will focus on the two months of February 1933 to late March 1933 during which the democratic Weimar system was destroyed and replaced by a one-party Nazi totalitarian state.
In January 1933, the German electorate was hopelessly split. Though the Nazis had taken a beating and had lost votes in the November 1932 election, it remained the largest political party in Germany, with 34% of the vote. Democracy-hating Nazis and Communists had just over half of the Reichstag delegates, making any coalition of democratic parties impossible.
On January 30, 1933, the senile and declining 85-year-old German President Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg was convinced by his handlers to allow Hitler to become German chancellor and to lead a coalition government. Leaders of major democratic political parties accepted this, naively thinking that Hitler could be controlled. Many of those party leaders would die or suffer imprisonment for their bad judgement. Germany prided itself on following the rule of law, and most democratic politicians could not imagine that the Nazis would turn on them.
On February 4, 1933, Hitler coaxed President von Hindenburg into approving new national elections for March 5. Hindenburg also granted Hitler special emergency powers to use the police and censor the press to keep order. Hitler intended to use these powers to win the election and make the Nazis the majority by any means necessary.
Throwing Out Election Laws
The key to controlling Germany, a federation of 39 states, was control of Prussia. The State of Prussia constituted over 60% of the German landmass as well as 60% of the total German population. The Nazis demanded that the government of Prussia should also call for a state election, to be held concurrently with the national election.
Prussian law required the heads of both the chambers of the Prussian parliament, the Landtag, approve a new election. But the president of the upper chamber, Konrad Adenauer, the very popular mayor of Cologne and senior leader of the Center Party, refused to give his assent. This stymied the Nazi plans, so the Nazis simply declared that they could override the Prussian Constitution and called the election anyway.
The emergency regulations allowed the Nazis to censor any media stories critical of them, and even to forcibly shut down opposition presses. At the same time, the Nazi press ramped up its own media campaign, hysterically describing moderate and democratic politicians like Adenauer as traitors and criminals while forbidding them from publishing any rebuttals.

Violence and Police Protection
Thanks to Chancellor Hitler, gangs of Nazi thugs from the SA were free to roam the streets and attack the opposition, while the police were stood down. Some prominent members of the democratic parties were brutally beaten by Nazi thugs. Konrad Adenauer, under open threats by the Nazis, requested police protection, which was denied. Adenauer was unable to go into his mayor’s office, which was staked out by Nazi gangs ready to maim or even kill him. In February and March 1933 Adenauer, a major political leader, literally lived in hiding. For good measure, the Nazis banned political rallies or meetings by opposition parties because they might provoke violence (the major purveyors of violence being the Nazis).
The Reichstag Fire as an Armed Insurrection
In the evening of February 27, 1933, the national legislature building, the Reichstag, burst into flames that were so intense that the Berlin fire department was helpless. Within hours, Chancellor Hitler declared that Germany was facing an armed insurrection by the communists and extracted from Hindenburg a more powerful decree giving Hitler dictatorial powers to control the police and the authority to do whatever it took to suppress the armed insurrection. The Nazis were organized and prepared for this and within two days over 4,000 people were arrested.
The armed insurrection was an insurrection without arms. The police found few weapons and the thousands of arrested insurrectionists were taken completely by surprise. This makes Nazi claims of saving Germany from imminent revolution rather dubious. However, there are other details about the Reichstag fire. The Nazis arrested a crazed Dutch communist who confessed to setting the Reichstag fire, but does not explain how the fire had spread so quickly. On the other hand, Hermann Goering, the president of the Reichstag and number two man in the Nazi Party, lived across the street from the Reichstag in his official residence and had full access to the building. At the Nuremberg Trials, General Franz Halder, former Army chief, testified that Göring had bragged to him in 1942 that he had arranged to burn down the Reichstag. Göring denied this at his trial, and the issue was dropped, as any witnesses were dead or missing.
Despite their control of the media and suppression of opposition parties, the Nazis again failed to win a majority. That was solved by simply declaring that all the communist votes (15%) were invalid, resulting in an instant Nazi majority. Immediately, all their opponents from the democratic parties, the Social Democrats, the Center Party, and Bavarian People’s Party, and German People’s Party were summarily thrown out of office as the Nazis took complete control of the national and state governments.
But gaming the election was not enough; the opposition leadership had to be completely destroyed. In late March, prominent democratic opposition leaders were arrested and charged with an array of phony charges, from tax evasion to malfeasance. The list of charges filed by the Nazis would make Merrick Garland proud. Konrad Adenauer was hit by a stack of criminal charges and was dismissed from office, his property and bank accounts seized so that he and his family were forced to live on charity from friends until the Nazis, figuring he was broken, dropped charges after four years and allowed him to retire. Fritz Schäffer, the finance minister of Bavaria and a key leader of the Bavarian People’s Party, was given the same treatment. Both would barely survive the Nazi era to lead a free and prosperous West Germany.
As an observant reader will note, from censorship to lawfare it’s the Democrat Party today -- not Republicans -- that has embraced the exact same methods as the Nazis to seize power. But there is so much more. The Democrat use of DEI as a mandatory race ideology is similar to Nazi racial ideology -- just change whites for Jews in DEI training and you get a good idea of what Nazi racial ideology was like. The current attacks on academic freedom in universities in America also give you a good idea of Nazi methods of 1933. But that’s for another article.
James S. Corum, Ph.D. is a military historian, author and co-author of 16 books, and a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve.



Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
If you don't think this describes Trump and the MAGA crowed, you're in serious denial.

On January 30, 1933, the senile and declining 85-year-old German President Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg was convinced by his handlers to allow Hitler to become German chancellor and to lead a coalition government. Leaders of major democratic political parties accepted this, naively thinking that Hitler could be controlled. Many of those party leaders would die or suffer imprisonment for their bad judgement. Germany prided itself on following the rule of law, and most democratic politicians could not imagine that the Nazis would turn on them.
On February 4, 1933, Hitler coaxed President von Hindenburg into approving new national elections for March 5. Hindenburg also granted Hitler special emergency powers to use the police and censor the press to keep order. Hitler intended to use these powers to win the election and make the Nazis the majority by any means necessary.
Throwing Out Election Laws
The key to controlling Germany, a federation of 39 states, was control of Prussia. The State of Prussia constituted over 60% of the German landmass as well as 60% of the total German population. The Nazis demanded that the government of Prussia should also call for a state election, to be held concurrently with the national election.
Prussian law required the heads of both the chambers of the Prussian parliament, the Landtag, approve a new election. But the president of the upper chamber, Konrad Adenauer, the very popular mayor of Cologne and senior leader of the Center Party, refused to give his assent. This stymied the Nazi plans, so the Nazis simply declared that they could override the Prussian Constitution and called the election anyway.
The emergency regulations allowed the Nazis to censor anymedia stories critical of them, and even to forcibly shut down opposition presses. At the same time, the Nazi press ramped up its own media campaign, hysterically describing moderate and democratic politicians like Adenauer as traitors and criminals while forbidding them from publishing any rebuttals.


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
Mark Johansen

Originally Answered: Would you compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler?
Well, let’s see. Both men had two arms and two legs. Both liked to eat food. Maybe there were some other similarities.
But I presume you mean something like, “Was Trump just as evil as Hitler?” In which case I’d have to ask, What evil things did Mr Trump do?
Hitler started a war that caused the deaths of at least 25 million people. Trump never started a war.
Hitler had an irrational hatred of Jews and had millions of Jews murdered. Trump’s son-in-law is a Jew and his daughter converted to Judaism, and Trump treated Judaism with respect. Before Trump, every US embassy in the world was in the country’s capital, except the US embassy in Israel, which the US insisted in putting in Tel Aviv instead of in the capital, Jerusalem, because they didn’t want to offend people who hated Jews and who insisted that Jerusalem was not the “real” capital because they were committed to destroying the city and murdering all the Jews who lived there. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Perhaps more substantively, Trump helped negotiate peace treaties between Israel and 3 of its Arab neighbors, the first peace treaties that have been signed since the “Camp David Accord” between Israel and Egypt over 40 years ago.
Hitler was a tyrant who concentrated power under himself. Trump reduced the power of the central government. Hitler expanded government control of medical care. Trump scaled back government control of medical care. Hitler took over many private businesses. Trump reduced regulations on private business. Hitler demanded that all religious groups must support government policy or be shut down. Trump ended lawsuits brought by Obama to force religious groups to go along with government policies that violated their teaching.
Hitler was a socialist. His political party was called the “Nazis”, which is a contraction of the German for “National Socialists”. Trump was a capitalist who fought socialism.
Hitler shut down newspapers that criticized him. Despite harsh attacks by the media, Trump never made any effort to censor opposition media.
I’m hard pressed to think of any similarities between the two besides the sort of thing that would be true of almost any two human beings, like, “both had lungs”.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
There is not one shred of corroborated evidence to support that Donald J Trump is a fan of Adolf Hitler.
Just the 4 Star General that Trump said it to. By the way, if Trump got on stage and started praising Hitler, you'd have a new excuse for him. It really doesn't matter what the guy says or does, you'll keeping backing him. Facts be damned.
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Revolutionary Intentions

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Sep 7, 2024
Just the 4 Star General that Trump said it to. By the way, if Trump got on stage and started praising Hitler, you'd have a new excuse for him. It really doesn't matter what the guy says or does, you'll keeping backing him. Facts be damned.
No one has verified this outlandish statement. You believe it because it fits your odd narrative. I don’t believe it as I know it’s preposterous and it remains uncorroborated.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
No one has verified this outlandish statement. You believe it because it fits your odd narrative. I don’t believe it as I know it’s preposterous and it remains uncorroborated.
You believe Trump, the guy known to be a pathological liar. I believe the 4 star General that has no history of lying. Like I said before, it doesn't matter to you anyway. If it was on video, you'd just make up another excuse or start attacking Kamala. It's exhausting.
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sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
You believe Trump, the guy known to be a pathological liar. I believe the 4 star General that has no history of lying. Like I said before, it doesn't matter to you anyway. If it was on video, you'd just make up another excuse or start attacking Kamala. It's exhausting.
Can't wait till you guys and your heros are being rounded up by the Trumpfuhrer and the SS. Off to a wall building camp with you. Now i understand your over the top paranoia of the man.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
we've asked so many times... just how exactly has your life been so terrible the last 4 years? i'm not talking about all the bs you see on tv and the interwebs. how exactly has YOUR life been so awful?
You grocery shop? buy gas for your vehicle? Borrow any money for a home or vehicle?
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