Siena F Haddix tonight???????

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Nov 21, 2002
Norman, OK
Does anyone closer to the situation have any better read than "questionable" as to whether or not Haddix will play tonight?? I believe this is the same injury that kept him out awhile earlier this season isn't it??

For anyone who has seen them play, how much of a factor do you think this is? He seems to be a major contributor on paper, but I haven't seen the Saints on TV yet.

The board concensus was Fairfield before this broke today, should I grab the points now??

Thanks in advance for any help here.


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Jun 26, 2001
Saratoga Springs, NY
Release --

Haddix would be replaced by Justin Miller a 6-8 junior. Haddix took Miller's starting job at forward so Miller has the experience. I've only seen Siena play once, but while Haddix is only 6-7 he plays much bigger and is a much better shooter than Miller.

My understanding is that Haddix re-injured the stress fracture yesterday in practice. A stress fracture is a small break, it's either healed or not. Sounds like it's not; the only advice an orthopaedic doctor is going to give him is to rest it.

I'll let you know if I find out more details.

- Jon
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Box and one

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Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
His status is still in question,right?Or is he out for sure.
He is a force for Siena.One of the biggest surprises.Everyone expected him to be good.But at 6'6 or 6'7 he is a "manchild" on the bds.He rips them down.A big fan favorite for the Saints.He also is avg 15 pts a game and 6 or 7 bds.
But at home he has had his two biggest games in the pepsi arena.He won the prov game scoring 20 pts and killed XU with 20 pts.On the road he scores 9,10 13,etc.
They need him tonite big time in the paint.Deng,deng,garcia and thompson could outrebound the Saints tonite.Miller lost his job to haddix.Not a bad replacement but is slow.He avg 5 pts lyr.The other surprise is 6'5 gd Jordan.He has impressed Lanier and won a few games.
releasehounds..if haddix doesn't play it will be a magor factor.


Registered User
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Nov 21, 2002
Norman, OK
Thanks for the analysis BOX...

Looks like F-Field is the concensus, and with this kid out, or at the very least playing hurt, I gotta go with the road warriors on this one.

Thanks again to everyone that helped on this thread and good luck gentlemen.

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