You don't give a fuck about them! Just stop It!
You only care if they cover the fucking spread for you. The fact that you bet on these kids is exactly why these schools are the huge sweat-shops that they are.
Gambling is the SOLE purpose of these games.
Tell me, you fucking hypocrites. How many games do you watch that you don't have action on?
Sports wouldn't even be televised if no one wagered on it. You know it. The schools know it. AND these "poor kids" know it.
You are making the same mistake that I often make; the vast majority of players and fans couldn't care less about the spread or even know what it is on any particular game.
If all gambling stopped tomorrow, these games would still be played anyway.
Undoubtedly gambling makes these games more interesting to a wider audience than they would otherwise be, but in my opinion you totally overstate the importance of gambling to these sports overall.
I have often done this also....only to go to work the next day and talk with friends who are sports fans who watched and enjoyed the game and had no idea of the repercussions of a particular big play on the outcome of any bets.
I have a good friend who, for some inexplicable reason, is a huge fan of Penn St. He lives in LA, flies himself and family out to games at Happy Valley (not an alum or any other connection), loves the games, but has no idea of the lines or would ever bet on the game. This is the "normal" fan.
You, I and the rest of us here are the outliers....we see everything through there prism of our betting. Believe it or not, we are in a relatively small minority.
I wish the kids well and hope they can start getting paid for all the work they put in. Why should schools, NCAA officials, coaches, all be feeding at the trough but not the players who produce the product. Very few of them will ever go to the pros, but their bodies will have paid the price.
I have a friend who was an OL for Columbia back in the day. He has terrible health problems from those days, you stand the two of us side by side you would think I was 15 years younger than him. He is one year older than me.