Just an article I saw in the Globe and Mail, and I guess one reason why out of 250 CDs not one is a beatles, or Wings CD. Of coarse did not plan it that way. Boycotts do not work ussually.
I hope Paul McCartney enjoys supporting a group that states if it could it would gladly spread foot and mouth diesease to North America and often demonizes the farmer and his/her family.
below is the article, someday I am sure Paul will get a chance to meet a farmer who has been attacked verbally or had his farm damage by the organization he supports. by the way both of my grandparents were farmers, one was a diary farmer so the following article made me...well.........
have a nice day
A radical animal rights group backed by Sir Paul McCartney is set to picket schools, telling children that milk will make them fat and spotty, says the Sunday Times of London. "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which is opposed to diary farming on moral grounds, intends to hand out 100,000 Pokemon style cards to young children after they return to school this week. The cards will use cartoon characters such as Spotty Sue, Windy Wendy, Phlegmy Phil and Chubby Charlie to suggest that if children drink milk they can expect the same problems.
In Pensacola Fla. PETA plans to erect a billboard that capitalizes on the recent shark attack on an eight year old boy. It will say: "Would you give your right arm to know why sharks attack? Could it be revenge?" The billboard company that orginally agreed to post the sign backed out of the deal because of the possibility that people might be offended. PETA is looking for another venue.
I hope Paul McCartney enjoys supporting a group that states if it could it would gladly spread foot and mouth diesease to North America and often demonizes the farmer and his/her family.
below is the article, someday I am sure Paul will get a chance to meet a farmer who has been attacked verbally or had his farm damage by the organization he supports. by the way both of my grandparents were farmers, one was a diary farmer so the following article made me...well.........
have a nice day
A radical animal rights group backed by Sir Paul McCartney is set to picket schools, telling children that milk will make them fat and spotty, says the Sunday Times of London. "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which is opposed to diary farming on moral grounds, intends to hand out 100,000 Pokemon style cards to young children after they return to school this week. The cards will use cartoon characters such as Spotty Sue, Windy Wendy, Phlegmy Phil and Chubby Charlie to suggest that if children drink milk they can expect the same problems.
In Pensacola Fla. PETA plans to erect a billboard that capitalizes on the recent shark attack on an eight year old boy. It will say: "Would you give your right arm to know why sharks attack? Could it be revenge?" The billboard company that orginally agreed to post the sign backed out of the deal because of the possibility that people might be offended. PETA is looking for another venue.