Okay,here's the poop:
I get email from these guys every stinking day. I am looking to re-up with my book, but these guys offer .08 lines in bases. (Tough to beat)
So, today I decide to open an account with SIRBET. I fill out the online form, click on 'accept terms', and I get the message, (or something similar) "This email address already on file. Try a different one."
I figure the address has to be on file, as they bought it from someone! I never gave it to them, and they do send me those emails all of the time.
I get email from these guys every stinking day. I am looking to re-up with my book, but these guys offer .08 lines in bases. (Tough to beat)
So, today I decide to open an account with SIRBET. I fill out the online form, click on 'accept terms', and I get the message, (or something similar) "This email address already on file. Try a different one."
I figure the address has to be on file, as they bought it from someone! I never gave it to them, and they do send me those emails all of the time.