Sixers? Ben Simmons rips NCAA in new documentary


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Make them stay 3 years like would make the NBA and college basketball better


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
You are getting your education paid for. Now, for a guy like Ben, who has no smarts, I can see how this is a "pointless" endeavor. He went to school for one reason, to showcase his talent to the NBA. That's great for him, and the other half of a half percent of players in his shoes, but there are a bazillion more students on scholarship who need that scholarship so they can graduate and actually get a job.

You want to go to a school like Syracuse, and it costs over $60,000 a year. That doesn't include the room and board which you get covered in a scholarship. So, now we're talking about $75K a year. So, you ARE getting paid!

In short, I think the average student athlete is very grateful to have that free ride, so they can get their engineering degree, or their business degree, etc, while Ben is upset he had to attend his African Studies class twice a week.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
You are getting your education paid for. Now, for a guy like Ben, who has no smarts, I can see how this is a "pointless" endeavor. He went to school for one reason, to showcase his talent to the NBA. That's great for him, and the other half of a half percent of players in his shoes, but there are a bazillion more students on scholarship who need that scholarship so they can graduate and actually get a job.

You want to go to a school like Syracuse, and it costs over $60,000 a year. That doesn't include the room and board which you get covered in a scholarship. So, now we're talking about $75K a year. So, you ARE getting paid!

In short, I think the average student athlete is very grateful to have that free ride, so they can get their engineering degree, or their business degree, etc, while Ben is upset he had to attend his African Studies class twice a week.

How do you know he "has no smarts"? No drive maybe, at least not academic drive. But, you have no clue about his level of aptitude. African Studies class?? He is Australian, dumbass.
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Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
IE move this where it best fits please..

interesting read..

it really is time to stop using the term student-athlete..

Ben is all about himself. He cared nothing about his team or his University. I know former student athletes personally. Walkons at LSU football, one actually earned a schollie last 2 seasons as a special teamer. He is a successful businessman today. Another one of my friends who walked on at LSU is successful in banking. No one ever paid for his tuition, but he most certainly earned his degree and Masters. During undergrad, he spent three years as a walk-on working scout team. He was the epitome of student athlete in my book, and is now a high level banker locally. I know a former lsu kicker who used his scholarship to earn a construction management degree and now makes a fine living in that field. He was a student athlete. I also know a former LSU offensive lineman who spent 10 years in the NFL and is now retired at 36. He earned a degree at LSU, but didn't ever use it. He disnt have to after making 20 mill in the league while living a normal lifestyle. He was a student-athlete. I know a dozen former tulane baseball players, all of whom earned degrees and are successful in fields ranging from finance to printing to real estate to law. Student-athletes, all of them. I also know a former football player at tulane. His dad beams with pride over his son's tulane degree because there is no way he could have afforded it without that football schollie. He makes a hell of a living today thanks to being a former student athlete, but rarely made the box score.

The eternal dumbass, YYZ, is right in his premise. Student athletes are alive and well. The .01% like Ben Simmons get the spotlight and give student-athletes and the system a bad name, but the system is working, and so are the other 99.99% of student athletes
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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
NCAA most corrupt org next to the Gov

If it were not for the NCAA I would not have had the opportunity to play the sport I loved. I would not have met the friends I have for life, I would not have attended a University and received a degree, and a whole bunch of other things. And oh yeah, I had the greatest time of my life, so yep there is that.

Bash the NCAA all you want, some of it is deserved. But I can tell you this, the NCAA changed my life for the better, that is for damn sure.
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