Smart Qb

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Jan 8, 2002
oshawa, canada
Not either an Oakland or Tampa Bay fan. I do see the Raiders being able to move the ball at will, to many weapons on offence and a huge offencive line to protect Gannon even though he can roll out and take off when he needs to. On the defencive side some cagey veterans who have been there before and know what it's like to win.
Tampa does have a great defence but what I saw in both playoff games was the q-backs unwilling to take off and run like they did all season. Mc Nab 3 rushes for 17 yds and Garcia 0 rushes for 0 yds.

Gannon will take off this Sunday, he is not afraid of taking a hit. Look at champions in the past , Montana ,Young , Elway great quarterbacks who knew WHEN to run to make thier team better. Gannon will be the difference.

Oakland 28
Tampa Bay 17


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Nov 17, 2002
If Gannon is lucky enough to get out of the backfield and does take a hit from these Buc defenders they will plant his ass 6 feet under. Don't you realize how good this defense is and how hard they hit. They took out several QB's this year. Vick, Brooks, Couch just to mention a few. You had better pray that Oak finds a few seams in the Tampa "D" becuase if your counting on Gannons legs you are going to be in some serious SH*T. Good luck


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Mar 3, 2002
Frank Rizzo last week I posted don't take the Bucs lightly. Their #1 Defense is one of the all time best. They allowed only 12.3 point's a game. They have better numbers than the old Buddy Ryan Bears defense. The Titans made the Raider D look like patsey's. I'm sure you recall how they marched up & down the field. They would of won or been very close atthe end if they had not shot themselfs in the foot so many times.
Will they beat the Raiders? The best we can do is make a good guess because one can plug all the numbers into his computer and them make a good case for either team. I don't see a blow out here. Do you???
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Nov 17, 2002
Joe, If there is going to be a blow out it will be the Bucs blowing out the Raiders. How many times have you seen the classic battle Offense vs Defense. This Bucs defense has been playing so well and everyone has excuses for the other team that they had played. ATL was excused the first go round because of an injured Vick. Favre was excused because he threw 5 interceptions, Garcia was excused becuase he played for an inferior team, McNabb was excused because TB won the turnover battle and because REID had a terrible game plan. IT IS ALL SYMPTOMATIC OF AN UNBEIEVABLE DEFENSE THAT OTHER TEAMS CAN NOT COPE WITH. Before every game that meant something this year the "experts said that a particular team or offense was going to get over on the BUCS D. They made teams look pathetic this year. Two lossesw to N.O. (They had thier #) one loss to philly in philly and the loss to the Steelers when they were without Mr Johnson were the only exceptions.
Now lets talk about the Offense. This is a well coached unit that has enough talent to spread the ball around and score some points. Keep in mind that this was the 4th new system in 4 years for the offensive players on this team. YOU CAN TAKE WHAT HAPPENED EARLIER IN THE YEAR WITH THIS OFFENSE AND THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW. They finally have a good grasp on the offense and are able to do two very important things for this team. 1) Sustain long drives and control the football( This will be very important against this high powered offense of the Raiders). 2)Keep the defense off the field so they are fresh till the end of the game. The problem in recent history was the Bucs "D" would be very tired towards the end of games after being on the field for so long. One other note is that B Johnson is one of the toughest QB'S in the league. He will stay in the pocket till the last possible mili-second to complete a pass. When you have someone like that who will lay it all on the line for the success of his team you stand a great chance. All due respect to the Raiders, but the Bucs will just be to tough.

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