SO 0ther night drove up to parx


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
I had won on 7-11 slot $249 :00hour only had $140 minus food money $8

wife calls me on phone when i'm playing told her no i'm not in casino eating late lunch at wawa


so i find out on drive up traffic detoured at aramingo betsy ross bridge exit left two lanes shut down grrrrrrr

extra 15 mins added to short drive
played 3 hours and won $175 1 time did the 5 6 8 n field bet won one bet 9 then fucker 7's out on 6th throw

DONE with that method never agin did catch an 11 on come out $3 1st wins $45 then later for $5 won $75 and dice stopped right in front of me stick left 2 :00hour cash out $375 got food comp for$12 but this crew didnt give me reward points which should have been about 17 :shrug:

Parx casino you have to earn 1000 every 6 months to get to next level or stay at current level which suxxxxxx SO gave wife $100 she think i only have $130 left but still $230 on a $15 mini table if i get lucky to get on is rough doey dont system thats $15 d p lay at least $24 on 6 or 8 place 6 or 8 for $30 7 out win back 15 $20 $24 $15 pick up make point pick up $35 $30

if get hit with 7 on come out no action taken I can set dice to get number using 10-4 set 6-4 4-6 -1-3 3-1

of all hard ways set still even then i pop naturals like one time 5 in a row im down $75 already

:142smilie had big bank buy in $460 any way so i just stuck with doey dont system won nice 4 hours on 1st table $350 profit

SO not sure i wanna take shot tonite if road construction still going take 95 north as clsoe as i cn to that contruction site get off drive on streets under get back on 95 north at whatever ramp on it is i forget

would go to AC NJ but neeed $15 gas and tolls are way up on expressway 4.25 and 1.25 thats $11 plus $5 for bridge back home thats $16 really huge chunk in bank roll

told wife look if we win mon go stay over with my extra unemployent money $440 added

she hardly wins in casino any more does better online NOW she says we cant count on stimulus money agin fucking face book she belives so far the dopes 100% wrong

Biden will use system to over write republicans like he did before

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