SO i did lil dirty sneak yesterday and whew paid off.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
Instead of making car payment $277 took cash to AC my beech thought i went in to work ...........

SO 1st hour i hit too big wins i'm up $180 ........... OF course i aint going home so boom boom boom lose lose lose it all and i'm down to $140 ..

took a break got bite to eat and said ok to myself slow down play the machines that pay you better the older ones stay away from the big video flashy machines like walking dead Ellen superman etc..

So i fiind the old penny slot machine 9 lines max bet is only $1.80 put in 20 and after about half hour hit triple Multiplier on 2 lines all watermelons and all 5 of them and 5 double bars BOOM $65 won. Only bet 5 per line .45 so that was $75 total.

Take ticket and stuff in pocket go onto cash man african dusk one .....

timed the bet just right $1.25 5 times bet hit bonus where you spin the slot for cash prize it came up 968

Win $48.40 plus i had $5 left stuff that ticket in pocket $53.40 plus $75 = $128.40

SO i go to down line to differnt cash man the KG bird one bet 2 times from start 50 cent per spin Kaboom hit big pay out all the 5 birds come up match 3 lines ........$85 win plus i had $17 left of my own $102 stuff that ticket back in pocket $230.40. Next two machines lost $40 i said uhhh ohhhhhh maybe i should quit

nah worst i can do is go home with what i won back.

Wish i could make vid of casino play but too many floor people walking around.

SO i go on and play one old favorite machine called Sun and moon if you get any 5 suns or moons or combo you get 50 spins with a 3 X multiplier

didnt get 50 got 10 after losing $15 WON me $97.50 $102.50 = $332.90 stuffed that ticket in pocket i'm now up and still had $60 cash left

lost $20 and that hurt ....... go to my other old fav machine named pelican pete if you get free spins every time pete comes up he's a sticky wild ......won 25 free spins pete came up on every line he covered first 3 lines after 20 spins and three in 5th line for only .50 played 2 X bet i won huge $175 + i had $10 left so that was $185 ticket added to others= $517.90 and had $20 cash left from $140 home with $537 - $277 WON $260 from 5 pm till 10 pm

I checked my tier points i earned WOW 307 thats free cash play next time plus food comps of about $15
i think i dunno until i log in website and check .


IF i went to PA casino Parx i would have lost last 6 trips to all PA casinos i lost not much only $50 - $90 at most i had

I'm switching up games now at PA strickly craps but need at laest $200 to start tables low limit is $10 or $15 .....

Strickly look for cold tables and i lay the odds striaght on number so i dont risk losing to 7 n 11 come out

best time is late night and you will see players like in prayer mode trying to make points.

Did this once at harrahs down in chester table was $15
i only had $125 with me

picked my spot and got in against a 6 laid the full $31 boom 7 out on hop 10 secs LOL

almost won full corcle but one dude hit a 10 and that sucked cause it's 2-1 lay 10$ to win $5 $40 to win $20 but after about 40 mins they went broke and only tow players left so after one sevened out only 1 guy was left and i never touch dice any way even if i play don't pass line...

Thats MY system i do not want to upset rhythm of players.

LOL one time long ago i was shooting and betting wrong $5 table and I hit the numbers and went broke my last $55 never again did i do that ...



Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
Scrap you need to quit gambling
are you kidding me BP. Realize i grew up in the loargest gambling city ever surrounded by card p0layers dice players etc... NY Buddies old man taught us how to play poker told us he won huge cash shooting dice for pennies in the army.

I live and breathe gambling it's part of my lifestyle.

BUT I'am not degerate gambler i can go weeks without placing a wager or a casino trip.

A pure gambler must have action every day as far as betting on anything with another dude .like which car makes it to next corner 1st.

OR if The ant gets across the puddle.

Gambling in moderation and under control is fine and Legal in most every state there are casinos.

Construct Carl

Forum Member
Nov 2, 2014
Lantz Farm And Nature Preserve
are you kidding me BP. Realize i grew up in the loargest gambling city ever surrounded by card p0layers dice players etc... NY Buddies old man taught us how to play poker told us he won huge cash shooting dice for pennies in the army.

I live and breathe gambling it's part of my lifestyle.

BUT I'am not degerate gambler i can go weeks without placing a wager or a casino trip.

A pure gambler must have action every day as far as betting on anything with another dude .like which car makes it to next corner 1st.

OR if The ant gets across the puddle.

Gambling in moderation and under control is fine and Legal in most every state there are casinos.

when mom and dad got divorced he lived in a camper on a koa campground. the railroad tracks he right next to him and the train would ratle the camper. he would bet me which nascar plate would get knocked off the wall. the plate would fall off the gold holders and onto the couch. when the train came you got off the couch in a hurry. well one day the train came and i had petty and dad had dale. we were watchin nascar when dale ernhart hit the wall and the plat fell at the same time. when they said dale ernhart was dead i was like whhhhhhaaaattttttt!!!!! the plate was right and then dad said somethin i will never forget. he said the train didnt even come by the day then i was really like whhhhaaatttttttt!!!! lol.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
are you kidding me BP. Realize i grew up in the loargest gambling city ever surrounded by card p0layers dice players etc... NY Buddies old man taught us how to play poker told us he won huge cash shooting dice for pennies in the army. I live and breathe gambling it's part of my lifestyle. BUT I'am not degerate gambler i can go weeks without placing a wager or a casino trip. A pure gambler must have action every day as far as betting on anything with another dude .like which car makes it to next corner 1st. OR if The ant gets across the puddle. :mj07: Gambling in moderation and under control is fine and Legal in most every state there are casinos.
I'm just saying you took your car payment to the casino? If you lost you didn't make the payment? Right?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Take the advice of some one who plays dice 5 6 days a week and has for 30 plus years In general do not lay. w rare exceptions. Long explanation of certain situations . The best bet in a casino is to be on the Dp line after a point is established. Once you lay you give back the advantage you have. Need more $$ make bigger bets $50 $100 or whatever. 4 5 hits and the Middle Class is in your rear view mirror. The grinders in Vegas wd play any 7 on come out, . Ex $16 Dp $2 Red. It';s a psychological thing. Someone hits 5 7's your not panicking. in sports Volume kills.. In craps time kills...........An awfull lot of players get up but do not leave the table. I cd go on and on about the stupid horror stories i see almost every day. Other day a young cocky Black kid sits down at Casino War with $40.... plays 2 hands at $20 each In an astounding prob once in a lifetime occurance runs it up to over $500. I ask him when are you going to quit, ..Ans.. I'm running it up to $1000. Right !! in shortest amount of time he goes broke. Some where between $500 and the orig $40 he shd have left the table. but no.. Greed and time kills One more Hispanic gentleman next to me tosses $50 on a Yo {11}. He hits 7 11's at 15 to 1 . I have never ever seen that. before Again i ask when are you leaving. I''m hot he replies. Yeah Right !!! Long story short some other stupid bets some $540 acrooss and Donald Trump's Fav illegal is broke.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
BLEEDING P said I'm just saying you took your car payment to the casino? If you lost you didn't make the payment? Right?

EVEN IF I lost i still am working and would get payment in within grace period ok?

I didnt lose i won after being down $180 all things are rosy here except i'm freezing my tits off LOL
possible bad snowstorm might hit us FRI into stauurday thats TWO days i not working .... cnter city traffic is horrible in dry weather imagine with 6" or more snow on ground OMG



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
BLEEDING P said I'm just saying you took your car payment to the casino? If you lost you didn't make the payment? Right?

EVEN IF I lost i still am working and would get payment in within grace period ok?

I didnt lose i won after being down $180 all things are rosy here except i'm freezing my tits off LOL
possible bad snowstorm might hit us FRI into stauurday thats TWO days i not working .... cnter city traffic is horrible in dry weather imagine with 6" or more snow on ground OMG


Gambling money should be extra fun money in my opinion. If you are betting car and house payments you have a problem. Good Luck Scrap, you are playing with fire


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
YUPPER Hammer1 exactly people do not know when to quit ...

Couple months ago i'm playing next to some lady shes banging MAX bets on MR Cashman mahine in harrahas philly casino has over 850 tier points eearned ....and over $700 in cash winnings on machine.

SO i'm polaying my usal slow play on mines and watching when hit's come after losses i had hits on 4 and 5th spins after 3 losses i bang in the higher bet 10 X .25 2.50 BOOOM hit the 5 scatters two rhinos and scatter

chaching baby an $180 win hit cash out button and smiling at kiosk getting paid.

I walk by that lady after 25 mins went by she lost back $400 and still was banging away max bet $5 lol

go back later shes gone i dunno if she cashed out anything.

Now heres what i was thinking about her ... 1 or 2 things a very rich bitch with $1000's to gamble with or again another dope.

I only started with $80 so i was more than double my bank with that win....

people do not know penny slots are not the way to go in casinos the .25 and $1 slots pay much better and your win % is higher ... a 3 coin $1 slot is less than a max bet on a 25 line penny slot and the pay out is much higher with top win on fixed slots... like maybe $5000 coins on a 1 dollar slot or more like $10,000

YES Penny slots today have JP's progressive that are nice but your not retiring on those wins...

highest in PA is only $50,000 that covers 3 casinos in my area Parx sugar house and Harras ops wait forgot small one valley forge 4 casinos highest JP is $50,000 maybe $75,000 which is just a years salry midlle class after taxes your clear 56250$ OK if smartly invested in high yield 4% investment retirement account you can live off that with your Social security.

ME i'd go buy the copper chopping machine and make huge tax free money forever.

IT's so coll i'm seriously thinking about doing it i only need a small garge and get word out to all contractors and scrappers either i buy your insultaed for 10 cent more per lb than others pay or pay me $1.15 lb to strip n chop all wires ..

machine can do 300 lbs per hour even with top grade wire stripper 300 lbs would take me 3 days.

because it has to be striaghtened out and lenghths of 30 feet only.

The Chopper just make sure no steel or plug ends are on wires and feed the wires in bam comes out other end into barrel in nuggets of pure copper.

:popcorn2 :0003 while my workers do the work ....

i pay them $10 per hour while i'm making $600 my profit $580 per hour but who needs worker when i can do it myself?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
YUPPER Hammer1 exactly people do not know when to quit ...

Couple months ago i'm playing next to some lady shes banging MAX bets on MR Cashman mahine in harrahas philly casino has over 850 tier points eearned ....and over $700 in cash winnings on machine.

SO i'm polaying my usal slow play on mines and watching when hit's come after losses i had hits on 4 and 5th spins after 3 losses i bang in the higher bet 10 X .25 2.50 BOOOM hit the 5 scatters two rhinos and scatter

chaching baby an $180 win hit cash out button and smiling at kiosk getting paid.

I walk by that lady after 25 mins went by she lost back $400 and still was banging away max bet $5 lol

go back later shes gone i dunno if she cashed out anything.

Now heres what i was thinking about her ... 1 or 2 things a very rich bitch with $1000's to gamble with or again another dope.

I only started with $80 so i was more than double my bank with that win....

people do not know penny slots are not the way to go in casinos the .25 and $1 slots pay much better and your win % is higher ... a 3 coin $1 slot is less than a max bet on a 25 line penny slot and the pay out is much higher with top win on fixed slots... like maybe $5000 coins on a 1 dollar slot or more like $10,000

YES Penny slots today have JP's progressive that are nice but your not retiring on those wins...

highest in PA is only $50,000 that covers 3 casinos in my area Parx sugar house and Harras ops wait forgot small one valley forge 4 casinos highest JP is $50,000 maybe $75,000 which is just a years salry midlle class after taxes your clear 56250$ OK if smartly invested in high yield 4% investment retirement account you can live off that with your Social security.

ME i'd go buy the copper chopping machine and make huge tax free money forever.

IT's so coll i'm seriously thinking about doing it i only need a small garge and get word out to all contractors and scrappers either i buy your insultaed for 10 cent more per lb than others pay or pay me $1.15 lb to strip n chop all wires ..

machine can do 300 lbs per hour even with top grade wire stripper 300 lbs would take me 3 days.

because it has to be striaghtened out and lenghths of 30 feet only.

The Chopper just make sure no steel or plug ends are on wires and feed the wires in bam comes out other end into barrel in nuggets of pure copper.

:popcorn2 :0003 while my workers do the work ....

i pay them $10 per hour while i'm making $600 my profit $580 per hour but who needs worker when i can do it myself?

Hammer Commandment # whatever. Borrowed money is scared money.

Do not gamble repeat do not gamble with money that is needed else where. Get a bankroll that is designated for such and hopefully as it grows take out withdrawals......
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