name is super beta PROSTATE walmart was only ones that had it. PRICE was $29,99 plus tAX
SO i drive the 2.5 miles park car walk to entrance door not opening????
Walk further down see i guy standing there and i look further a line about 2 blocks long :scared
this local walmart cashiers are slow as snails in mud.
I figure my wait time in line to be about 1 hour............
Ran back to car drove to local rite aid made sing of cross went to supplement aisle lo n behold 1 box in security plastic box SO lucky me the guard put in his rewards number i saved $14 got it for $19.95 total.
the key ingredioent is at least few hundered milligarms of beta sitoserol this brand has 250 mg
you can tell by searching which ones are garbage you need to take 4 pills perday plus ingredtients not needed just xtra garbage.
SO if you have to pee a milion times a day and have trouble with woody YOU might have enlarged prostate or over active bladder
SO i hope these pills work will know in few days
SO i drive the 2.5 miles park car walk to entrance door not opening????
Walk further down see i guy standing there and i look further a line about 2 blocks long :scared
this local walmart cashiers are slow as snails in mud.
I figure my wait time in line to be about 1 hour............
Ran back to car drove to local rite aid made sing of cross went to supplement aisle lo n behold 1 box in security plastic box SO lucky me the guard put in his rewards number i saved $14 got it for $19.95 total.
the key ingredioent is at least few hundered milligarms of beta sitoserol this brand has 250 mg
you can tell by searching which ones are garbage you need to take 4 pills perday plus ingredtients not needed just xtra garbage.
SO if you have to pee a milion times a day and have trouble with woody YOU might have enlarged prostate or over active bladder
SO i hope these pills work will know in few days