Called up my guy who works on his own maybe only pay him $60 to fixthe filler neck and do back brakes
weell the moddderr fugger never came after i called him at 9:30 am finally got answer on his phone was gf saying he took off but left phone at her house
i was at his moms address waiting
3 hours wasted ..deciude to drive to laocal scrap yards to get used hosses with filler neck attached it's all plastic no clamps on hoses
5 scrap yards no luck ...............drove home went into local new auto zone about 1 mile away bought clamps and super heavy JB weld to seal the thing them clamp on with the clamps
welll la de da aint no tube into hoses i snapped off the plastic clamps on one side it's just there no tube inside hose.
Called up auto zone they get it in tomorry for only $53 total .....saved me huge over pep boys price $65
so be hard getting to hose clamps one in radioor other on ngine both on top have to remove whole top cover to get to one on radiotor and about 3 things to get to one on engine
SO i return the JB weld n clamps use that $13 towards new hoses and filler neck and attach new one fill with antifreeze i have left in the gallon resovior is fill because of crack in filler neck it dosent flow back in not enough pressure i assume
BY when i get hold of Tony i'm goona say thats it buddy you did something dirty yesterday and i no longer can use you.
Was like finding gold when a friend told me about him years ago.
simple fixes he was happy with $35
aaaahhhhhhhhh fuggg now i have to find a shop that has decent labor rates cause many charge $125 per hour.
I really hate working on my car today old age lots of aches and pains head to toe so now i will invest in proper tools and save me $1000's a year.
Back brakes not hard they are disk like front but i need a large clamp to compress the caliper or new shoes will not go on.
weather tomorrow will be rainy but i can drive car to under pass only few blocks away work on it there
weell the moddderr fugger never came after i called him at 9:30 am finally got answer on his phone was gf saying he took off but left phone at her house
i was at his moms address waiting
3 hours wasted ..deciude to drive to laocal scrap yards to get used hosses with filler neck attached it's all plastic no clamps on hoses
5 scrap yards no luck ...............drove home went into local new auto zone about 1 mile away bought clamps and super heavy JB weld to seal the thing them clamp on with the clamps
welll la de da aint no tube into hoses i snapped off the plastic clamps on one side it's just there no tube inside hose.
Called up auto zone they get it in tomorry for only $53 total .....saved me huge over pep boys price $65
so be hard getting to hose clamps one in radioor other on ngine both on top have to remove whole top cover to get to one on radiotor and about 3 things to get to one on engine
SO i return the JB weld n clamps use that $13 towards new hoses and filler neck and attach new one fill with antifreeze i have left in the gallon resovior is fill because of crack in filler neck it dosent flow back in not enough pressure i assume
BY when i get hold of Tony i'm goona say thats it buddy you did something dirty yesterday and i no longer can use you.
Was like finding gold when a friend told me about him years ago.
simple fixes he was happy with $35
aaaahhhhhhhhh fuggg now i have to find a shop that has decent labor rates cause many charge $125 per hour.
I really hate working on my car today old age lots of aches and pains head to toe so now i will invest in proper tools and save me $1000's a year.
Back brakes not hard they are disk like front but i need a large clamp to compress the caliper or new shoes will not go on.
weather tomorrow will be rainy but i can drive car to under pass only few blocks away work on it there