like playing poker in house games or just hanging out with buddies doing nothing
33 years ago i did this ........yup sept 24th and i'm wondering where would i be if never married !
Probably looking for easy cash doing something illegal was easy with friend i knew he had a way to sell pills that doctor just wrote for him i mean heavy narcotic pain killers HE said he would sell them for me and give me $1200 a month .... BUT that aint going far for me
So im okay now with my life will soon get investments into top 6 marijuna stocks that only $200 will bring in as high as $10,000 amonth each just going to use self broker company that is easy to do
OMG imagine me with $50,000 amonth cash dayumm just travel to other casinos all over like in pittsburgh or up in pocono mountains BUT not get reawrd cards becaue im not going there all the time
probaly by dec be going in full all in investments
took off wed this week and yesterday so pay day aint gonna be all too much tues.
Imagine me buying in at craps table with $2000 tues wasnt good at parx started with $280 took break to eat after 4 hours had won only $60 played slots lost $60 cashed out two tickets for like $93 total
back to craps table which now was $15 minimum was down to $120 and just dint like others glaring at me because i made shooter 7 out buy doing 1 hop all open numbers for $22 or $24 like say 5 6 8 9 and 10
one black dude cursed at me and glared at me because dude 7 out after i make bets I told him there is rules that all bets have to be made before player gets dice ....
SO of course he wants to make points while im on dont pass his point was 4 so i placed 4 for $30 had laid $40 he makes the point i'm happy because that $30 paid me back $60 and i won $$30
he also made next point 10 i win again .....then as normal over 42 years make the tough numbers will 7 out on 6 or 8 5 or 9
point was 9 laid huge on dont pass placed nine for minmum BOOM 7 out on 3rd toss i thump table heavy laid $30 paid back $20 and the $15 DP gets paid too HE got 9 n 5 and 6 8 placed and lost everything he won on the 4 and 10 he is fucking angry that dark skin was glowing red
SO because of shoooters both one left and one right i left table and wind up playing slots with the $195
was dwon $90 then bang bang two nice wins got me back to $225 so time to go home 2 am
33 years ago i did this ........yup sept 24th and i'm wondering where would i be if never married !
Probably looking for easy cash doing something illegal was easy with friend i knew he had a way to sell pills that doctor just wrote for him i mean heavy narcotic pain killers HE said he would sell them for me and give me $1200 a month .... BUT that aint going far for me
So im okay now with my life will soon get investments into top 6 marijuna stocks that only $200 will bring in as high as $10,000 amonth each just going to use self broker company that is easy to do
OMG imagine me with $50,000 amonth cash dayumm just travel to other casinos all over like in pittsburgh or up in pocono mountains BUT not get reawrd cards becaue im not going there all the time
probaly by dec be going in full all in investments
took off wed this week and yesterday so pay day aint gonna be all too much tues.
Imagine me buying in at craps table with $2000 tues wasnt good at parx started with $280 took break to eat after 4 hours had won only $60 played slots lost $60 cashed out two tickets for like $93 total
back to craps table which now was $15 minimum was down to $120 and just dint like others glaring at me because i made shooter 7 out buy doing 1 hop all open numbers for $22 or $24 like say 5 6 8 9 and 10
one black dude cursed at me and glared at me because dude 7 out after i make bets I told him there is rules that all bets have to be made before player gets dice ....
SO of course he wants to make points while im on dont pass his point was 4 so i placed 4 for $30 had laid $40 he makes the point i'm happy because that $30 paid me back $60 and i won $$30
he also made next point 10 i win again .....then as normal over 42 years make the tough numbers will 7 out on 6 or 8 5 or 9
point was 9 laid huge on dont pass placed nine for minmum BOOM 7 out on 3rd toss i thump table heavy laid $30 paid back $20 and the $15 DP gets paid too HE got 9 n 5 and 6 8 placed and lost everything he won on the 4 and 10 he is fucking angry that dark skin was glowing red
SO because of shoooters both one left and one right i left table and wind up playing slots with the $195
was dwon $90 then bang bang two nice wins got me back to $225 so time to go home 2 am