so, you think there is no West Coast bias

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1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
I just heard a promo on NBC. Some taking head urged me to tune in NBC at 4:00 pm EASTERNfor the golf tournament.

What the fawk is that? The US Open is played on the West Coast....We observe Pacific Daylight Time. The announcers are always giving the time as Eastern time....WHY? :gf: :cursin: I'm sick of it. If they can't use local time for the events then why not use GMT. At least that is considered the standard worldwide.

These Conn. and N.Y based announcers are so biased they can't even get the Eastern time zone out of their heads......UGH!!!!!!!!!! I"m sick and tired of it. Who the fawk cares what time a San Diego event is aired in N.York???? :mad:

Is their intelligent life East of Vegas???
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