Two more plays. Another big dog and a total due to missing strikers. Someone reminded me that even though its early in the season - there have been only 5 outright winners by road teams in the Argentina league. I then reminded them that I kick ass in south america, so we'll see.
My plays are all for the same regardless of odds or situation, just press forward and see what happens.
Also its tough with THREE games on TV to watch over the next three hours. Lyon/Bordeaux, RiverPlate/Racing, and Santos/Vasco. However, I cant find any value in ANY of those sides or totals. Still keeping tabs on one more game today, but its not qualified as a play as of now.
:08/20/2006@11:30 AM [28680] TOTAL u2?-135 (GODOY CRUZ vrs QUILMES)
placed by:ONLINE -1on:08/20/2006@11:11 AMSTRAIGHT BETRisking:xxxTo Win:xxxxON:08/20/2006@11:30 AM [28671] GIMNASIA LA PLATA +220 - SOC