Thats one game i never learned how to play. And really never had the urge to learn it.
this game is highest paying to players some casinos allow 10 x odds in back example $15 minmum table your allowed to place $150 odd in back so say point is 6 or 8 they pay 6$ for every $5 in back tha t means you get paid your 15$ pass line bet plus Your $150 and $180 more your total pick up is $15 + $15 = $30 + 150 = $180 = plus $180 = $360 back in your bank
highest odds pay is 4 or 10 they pay 2-1 in back so wow $15 = $15 = $30 +150 = $180 plus $300 = $480 back in rack
then you have the DO NOT pas line whic h means you want them to toss a 7 before making point
so say point is 6 or 8 $15 dont pass and Lay $18 to win $15 odds 7 out your paid your $15 flat bet = $30 + $18 then plus $15 total p/u back in rack is $63 and it can happen in 5 seconds both ways so go to you tube to see how to bet and how this oldest game in history goes back to stone age when they rolled bones