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Mar 13, 2002
..that episode confuse the heck out of anyone else.

in the dream sequence:

-the tv in the background is playing exactly whats happening in the scene...why?

-why are tony's teeth falling out?

- Was the final part of the episode when christopher meets up with tony/him calling up carmela at 5 in the morining part of the dream? I think it was part of the dream.

..who do you think is going to get whacked in the final two episodes. Tony B, paulie, adriana, johhny sack and carmine jr are all possibilities. And don't forget big vito who could get it for his choice of lifestyle, if that comes out.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
Just when I thought they reached rock bottom, they come up with the worst episode yet.

They take so long between seasons and this crap is all they can come up with? This season has been a huge disappointment...


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Nov 12, 2002
Ft. Worth
I have liked most of this season, but this was by far the worst episode of the year and maybe of the series.

Adrianna will definately get wacked and Tony B. Christopher will probably do both to move up the ladder. After that he will be next in line behind Tony.
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Jan 7, 2002
Knoxville, Tn USA
Re: Sopranos..

loudog said:
..that episode confuse the heck out of anyone else.

in the dream sequence:

-the tv in the background is playing exactly whats happening in the scene...why?

-why are tony's teeth falling out?

- Was the final part of the episode when christopher meets up with tony/him calling up carmela at 5 in the morining part of the dream? I think it was part of the dream.

..who do you think is going to get whacked in the final two episodes. Tony B, paulie, adriana, johhny sack and carmine jr are all possibilities. And don't forget big vito who could get it for his choice of lifestyle, if that comes out.

I have no idea what that episode was supposed to do. I came from downstairs, looked at the wife and said, "That's was the most fvcked up episode of the Sopranos ever!"

How about at the dinner table with that dude singing and Annette Benning? Did you catch that sometime Tony's daughter was sitting next to her fiance and then sometimes her brother? What the frig!

Annette Benning? So she's married to Warren Beatty who played Bugsy. Then she says, "It's kinda Bugsy to me."

The teeth? No clue. :shrug:

Adriana is definitely gone. New show on NBC. "Joey" They better not whack Paulie. That guy cracks me up!

Glad to see others were confused.



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Jun 18, 2002
They should be ashamed of themselves. The worst episode in the worst season so far. The last three weeks have all been garbage.


Forum Member
May 24, 2001
The Upstate
I agree with what everyone has said, WTF...They used the entire episode for a dream, and it was 45 minutes long.... I know they usually don't last the full hour, but its like they were hurting for that much time... Everytime I see a preview for the next show I get excited about it, but then I finally get to see it and it is such a letdown... This show has been great because it is unpredictable, but come on, this is crap...This episode is where Sopranos "Jumped the Shark" if you know what I mean.
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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
Was the final part of the episode when christopher meets up with tony/him calling up carmela at 5 in the morining part of the dream? I think it was part of the dream.

it was not part of the dream.... before the dream Tony was at Tony Bs and he was acting funny.. then he tried to call him when he found out that old guy got whacked.. Tony B didnt answer his cell... Chris then came over and told Tony that TB killed someone..

Christ that was ****ing awful!

worst season ever!


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Dec 4, 2002
Niagara Falls, NY
Thought this episode was brilliant, one the best ever. Chase's writing is in fine form. This is still better than 99% of the other stuff on TV. Don't most of you losers watch American Idol and Fag Factor?

Tony's dream is more than likely triggered by his spotting of Melfi in the hotel lobby. remember melfi makes him think of two things:

1) sex
2) taking a shit.

So he called for a hooker, and then his brain decided to take a shit.

I thought also that valentina on fire might have triggered the dream, b/c remember, tony has a thing about scars .... kept saying that valentina wasnt going to need skin grafts. remember another dream with gloria trillo after she hanged herself, and in the dream she is wearing scarf around her neck and tony is staring at her scarf covering her hanging scar, and gloria asks him "you wanna see it?" also, when melfi was raped, (but said she was in a car accident,) tony was worried her lovely legs would scar.

Liked the symbolism of tony losing his teeth. (no power) Also,
Tony losing his teeth in his dream might be a sign of more to come. An old Italian wives tale says that if you lose your teeth in a dream someone is going to be pregnant. It may be possible that Carmella ends up pregnant and this results in Tony and Carmela getting back together. In a side note it would be funny if she was pregnant with the teacher's kid.

Loved the godfather toilet tank scene, with no gun. (no power)

Loved coach molinaro, telling tony he is "unprepared" and when they wake, carm asking tony "oh yeah? are you still unprepared?"

Now Tony has a gun ..... he is going to "come heavy" like he did with uncle june so many seasons ago.

As far as John Heard, the actor playing finn's "dad" ... remember that he was the officer that told tony that big pussy was more than likely a rat.

Also, IMO, i think some people are reading too much into the sign that Angelo gave Tony B. i think it was just a cutesie thing he gave him b/c Tony B is now running the casino and Tony B put it up where he did because the only office he has that cleaning supplies room. the rest of the apartment is a casino.

I think the only thing significant about "the boss" line is that Tony B is thinking what might have been. IMO it is not Angelo suggesting that Tony B should be the boss of the family.

Toward the shows end when Tony S. was talking to Carm on the telephone there was a dog barking incessantly. I found this ominous. Could be the bear. Could be someone coming to whack Carm?


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Jan 7, 2002
Knoxville, Tn USA
Good Lord Stomie! Shit, I'll have to watch again tonight now. You brought out crap I never would have thought of. :D

Could you explain the scene where they're at dinner and Meadow's fiance is there one time and then her brother is sitting there the next?

I'll fess up, I'm an idiot. :(

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Mar 13, 2002
Yeah, this was my favorite episode..I just like all the symbolism and hidden meaning this show has. Here's a few I found

remember when tony is riding his dead horse in the dream:
To see a dead horse in your dream, indicates that something in your life that initially offered you strength is now gone. This may refer to a relationship or situation.

Ex-girlfriend appered in dream:
Often appear if a relationship ends abruptly. Dreams of being romantically invovled frequently represent fears of commitment with current lover, rather than genuine attraction to the former lover.

losing teeth:
concerns about effectivness in a competitive enviornment.

being chased:
fear of physical attack

Being driven:
feeling of not being in control. (Dead person driving: the direction you are headed)


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Dec 4, 2002
Niagara Falls, NY
The brief moment where we see AJ instead of Finn is the moment when one of Finn's parents is talking about how they were concerned for awhile that Finn wouldn't amount to anything. IMO, Tony wants his son to take up "the life" whether he'll admit that in his concious mind or not. Also, I think that Tony's afraid that even if AJ does follow in his footsteps he won't be good at it and will end up getting whacked long before he has the chance to become the boss.


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Sep 10, 2001
Stormie - I agree with you that it was one of my favorite episodes in that they compacted so much symbolism into a 10-15 minute dream sequence. Although the incident with Valentina could have been the reason, I think Tony B's attitude set off the dream sequence. In the back of his head Tony knows that his cousin has been the source of his stress recently. It is something that he has yet to fully deal with although on a subconscience level he knows he must. Also, I did think of the senario with Carmela being pregnant but he lost his first tooth when he was supposed to be getting ready for dinner with Meadow, Finn and his parents. He and Carmela keep talking about how they were the same age and in the back of his head he has to wonder if she is making the right choice.

Nice job with the rest of them and I'll have to watch it again tonight to see if there are more!
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Mar 14, 2001
I realize that there is almost no chance of this actually happening, but after doing some thinking I came up with a theory about last night's episode.

First of all, I think Tony realizes he needs to get back with Carmela. I figured that part was pretty obvious.

But the nutty part of my theory is wondering... is there any chance that Tony would consider going to the feds, possibly to bury Johnny Sack and/or Little Carmine? There was just some symbolism that I saw in the episode that made me think this.

First off, he goes into the bathroom during the scene a la "The Godfather" but the gun isn't there. As noted before, "Finn's Dad" in the dream is actually the cop who told Tony that he thought Big Pussy was a rat. When he asked Tony if he "knew what he had to do" Tony said yes, and showed the book "The Valachi Papers", which is the story about the first time the mob's code of silence was broken.

Then, thoughout parts of the dream, Artie is the only other person not dead with Tony, and Artie helps him out in the resturant and when he was being chased. Almost like Tony is jealous of Artie because he knows that most mobsters end up in jail or dead, and Artie is the only guy who really doesn't have to worry about that because he's not "connected." Perhaps Tony is starting to see that maybe he regrets leading this kind of a life. The high school coach's presence, which revealed that Tony always wanted to be a coach before getting into the life, could also help support this.

Probably all pretty stupid, but if nothing else, I like a show that can make me think like this!


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Nov 9, 2000

that's pretty impressive analysis.

certainly nothing i would have come up.

i thought the dream sequences was the result of the old man getting killed & tony was worried about a war.

good job, stormie!!!


Registered User
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Nov 26, 1999
you people are reading way too much into this horseshit - this season is crap, it almost seems like they're making it up episode by episoode - I say HOGWASH !



Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2002
Knoxville, Tn USA
Phanatic said:
you people are reading way too much into this horseshit - this season is crap, it almost seems like they're making it up episode by episoode - I say HOGWASH !






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Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
Sopranos is like keep trying it in search of that great high that never happens....But, I'll be watching again next week.



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
Phanatic said:
you people are reading way too much into this horseshit - this season is crap, it almost seems like they're making it up episode by episoode - I say HOGWASH !

alot of people can't understand this type of stuff, which is why they need their quick fix reality shows.
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Forum Member
Mar 3, 2002
i noticed that the directors are different every week, creates the uneveness of season...

i thought this weeks show was below standards, as well as the season so far....

what i like about the show has been missing most of this season, its become too visually artsy and less violent.

my random thoughts!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
here is an article on the boys from jersey that i thought some might find interesting:


Tony Blundetto could be a marked man if Tony Soprano's extended dream sequence is any indication.

May 18, 2004 -- WAKE me when it's over.

That's how it felt Sunday night watching that epic Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini) dream sequence on "The Sopranos" on HBO.

Beginning about 10 minutes into the show, the dream started shortly after the arrival of a hooker to Tony's hotel room and ended with a pre-dawn visit by Christopher.

The dream ran an incredible 23 minutes, nearly half the episode - a creative departure that drew strong reactions from "Sopranos" fans.

Hundreds posted their own self-styled analyses on HBO's "Sopranos" bulletin boards, saying the multifaceted dream - with its flashbacks, surprise appearances by dead associates and fanciful conversations with loved ones - provided meaningful insight into Tony's state of mind.

The armchair analysts felt the dream might be setting the stage for Tony to whack his bug-eyed cousin, Tony Blundetto (Steve Buscemi), to prevent a destructive war with Johnny Sack.

On those same boards, detractors called the show "the worst episode ever" and complained it wasted time that could have been used more constructively to advance the many storylines that are still unresolved as the series heads toward the final two episodes of the fifth season.

While the lengthy dream was frustrating at times to watch, you can't say it wasn't a rich 20-plus minutes.

I won't deny it wasn't fun to play "count the dead people"; I counted at least nine: New York don Carmine Lupertazzi; Gloria Trillo, Tony's ex-girlfriend; Tony's father, Johnny; Tony's old friend, Pussy; Mikey Palmieri, whacked in Season 1; Ralphie, whacked last season because he insulted Tony's horse; the corrupt cop Vin Makazian, played by John Heard; Soprano family captain Gigi Cestone, who died of a heart attack while sitting on a toilet; and, possibly, Richie Aprile (although his face was difficult to discern).

In addition, at least three gangster movies were referenced in Tony's dream - "The Valachi Papers," "The Godfather" and "Bugsy," thanks to a surprise appearance by Annette Bening - plus three other movies: "Chinatown," "High Noon" and the 1951 version of "A Christmas Carol," on whose dream sequence Tony's dream seemed loosely based.

But, hey - if I wanted to name a bunch of dead people or identify references to old movies, I would go and play Trivial Pursuit.

As for Tony's state of mind, after all these years, I feel I know his state of mind.

At this point, what I really want to know is: What's he going to do about it?