How comfortable is everyone with using Western Union to fund your offshore accounts. I know their site says they don't allow it, but since you send it to an individual I guess they really can't tell. In any event has anyone funded their account this way, had any problems, how about privacy and dollar limits? I have heard anything over $1000 gets attention from the gov't, is that true. Want to load up for football season, about how long does a transaction take?
I just don't feel comfortable hooking my bank account up to an on-line payment place like neteller simply because I don't want anyone having access to my accounts like that, especially with all the horror stories I hear about Paypal.
I just don't feel comfortable hooking my bank account up to an on-line payment place like neteller simply because I don't want anyone having access to my accounts like that, especially with all the horror stories I hear about Paypal.