Sosa Steroids?

no all

Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002

It was a simple, straightforward question for Chicago Cubs bomber Sammy Sosa.

"You've said if baseball tests for steroids, you want to be first in line, right?" I asked him last Thursday at his Wrigley Field locker.

"Yes," Sosa replied.

"Well, why wait?" I said.


I wrote down the name and phone number of LabCorp, which has a diagnostic test lab in Elmhurst, Ill., 30 minutes from Wrigley. I told him what LabCorp had told me: If any person wants to be tested for steroids, all he has to do is have his physician give a written order and bring in a blood or urine sample. The lab could have the results back within 10 days.

Sosa looked at the piece of paper as if it were a dead rat.

"Why wait to see what the players' association will do?" I continued. "Why not step up right now and be tested? You show everybody you're clean. It'll lift a cloud off you and a cloud off the game. It'll show the fans that all these great numbers you're putting up are real."

Sosa's neck veins started to bulge.

I tried to tell him how important I thought this was. How attendance is headed for the cesspool. A former MVP told SI that 50% of the players are on steroids. The fans are starting to look at every home run record the way people look at Ted Koppel's hair. And there's the threat of a strike. Something good has to happen. What could be more positive than the game's leading home run hitter's proving himself cleaner than Drew Carey's fork?

Sosa looked at me as if I were covered in leeches.

"Why are you telling me to do this?" he said. "You don't tell me what to do."

I tried to explain that I wasn't telling him to do it, I was just wondering if he didn't think it would be a good move for him and the game.

"You're not my father!" he said, starting to yell. "Why do you tell me what to do? Are you trying to get me in trouble?"

I asked how he could get in trouble if he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"I don't need to go nowhere," he growled. "I'll wait for the players' association to decide what to do. If they make that decision [to test], I will be first in line."

But didn't he think a star stepping forward now, without being told to be tested....

"This interview is over!" He started looking around for security. "Over, motherf-----!!"

(Note to young sportswriters: Always make your steroid question your last question.)

The funny thing is, I doubt Sosa is on steroids. He has never missed more than six games in any of the last five seasons. Most nukeheads come apart like Tinkertoy houses.

But plenty of people wonder: Here's a guy who went nine years without ever hitting more than 40 home runs. In the last four seasons he's hit 66, 63, 50 and 64. Here's a guy who was once a skinny, 165-pound, jet-footed Texas Ranger. Now he's a bulky, 230-pound Mr. Olympus.

"This was because of my tooth," he had said earlier in the interview. "When I first came to Texas [in 1989], I had a bad wisdom tooth. The doctor discovered this, and he fixed it. After that, I start to eat much better."

What'd he eat, Fort Worth?

Sosa also explained that the extra muscle and added girth came from feverish weightlifting, not a feverish pharmacist.

"I have a gym in my house [in the Dominican Republic]," he said. "I work out every day, seven days a week. Sometimes at two or three in the morning."

He said the media's suspicions have hurt him. "They think everybody is guilty," he said. "They judge me, but they don't know me."

That's about when I offered up my brilliant public relations maneuver of having himself tested. Soon we were discussing my relationship with my mother.

Maybe Sosa feels he would undermine his union's bargaining power if he had himself tested. But when I asked him if that's why he didn't want to do it, he again mentioned, rather crisply, "You're not my father."

No, but if I were, I'd tell him to get tested. And I'd say it to Barry Bonds and anybody else who says he cares about the game. If they've got nothing to hide, why wait?

True, it would take some large cojones. Of course, if these players are on steroids, they lost those a long time ago.

Issue date: July 8, 2002

Don't miss The Life of Reilly (Total/SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, $22.95) -- a best-of compilation of Rick Reilly's columns and features, with a foreword written by Charles Barkley, available now at bookstores everywhere.


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Mar 2, 2002
interesting yes...fair? ask this guy to be tested now without the union negotiating with the owners would be a act of solidarity which flies right into the face of what the "union" (and literally) stands not a huge fan of the players union...but the union did not become so influential by players acting on thier own behalf when controversial issues i dont blame Sosa for getting a little upset ...and lets be frank he is not the most articulate guy in the world so ill take his responses at face value... now im not saying that eventually the question needs to be asked and hopefully answered ..but the players know there is a process that needs to be abided by and if that process is undermined ...eventually down the road it would weaken the "union"...Cooz


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Nov 9, 2000
Although I think Sammy is on steroids,I think it was wrong for the writer to ambush Sammy like he did.If the football players can be tested,so can the baseball players.I think until it is done some accomplishments achieved by players will be tainted.


tough to judge most of the latin guys... mlb teams hardly know their names let alone ages and what kind of 'programs' they come from.... that's why an international draft will have major issues (one reason atleast) .... but also that's why the academies are there to give these young men 3 meals a day for the first time and grow in various areas outside of baseball. a lot of these guys play for different reasons and also look at the way their body works. not to be racist but it works different than white guys. if i went out there and had the arm action of benitez i'd need 10 freaking surgeries on my arm. so anyway, i'm not trying to say anyone's wrong for having their opinion, but be cautious with it.


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Dec 18, 2001
If steroids are illegal, where the heck do these players get it?

If steroids are illegal, where the heck do these players get it?

Can anyone's doctor write a prescription for this stuff? Or do they get it in Mexico?

Sammy looks pretty pumped to me. I think he's had some help.

Enjoy the 4th.



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
you know I am curious about one thing. How come Will Smith can put on 35 lbs of muscle in 8 months for his role in Ali, and not get questioned, yet Sammy Sosa gains 35 pounds of muscle over a span of a few years and he is a steroid user? People can increase mass through weight training and exercise. Isn't it entirely possible that he isn't on steroids, and everyone is awfully quick to judge someone who obviously puts all he has into the game every day.


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
wondo said:
tough to judge most of the latin guys... mlb teams hardly know their names let alone ages and what kind of 'programs' they come from.... that's why an international draft will have major issues (one reason atleast) .... but also that's why the academies are there to give these young men 3 meals a day for the first time and grow in various areas outside of baseball. a lot of these guys play for different reasons and also look at the way their body works. not to be racist but it works different than white guys. if i went out there and had the arm action of benitez i'd need 10 freaking surgeries on my arm. so anyway, i'm not trying to say anyone's wrong for having their opinion, but be cautious with it.



their bodies and nutrition growing up are typically extremely poor. they don't eat and come over to the US as skin and bones.

the young ones hang around in the baseball schools before they can get signed and end up putting on a ton of weight and muscle because they can eat three meals a day for the first time. even the older ones that can get signed -- it will take a few years for them to develop because of the nutritional issues.

all i'm saying is that alot of them can put on a ton of weight naturally becuase they've been so deprived when they're younger.

the other part about arm action was just superfluous.... but look at some of them -- their arm works different.


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Ok, I understand the first part now. Sammy said as much himself. He also blamed an impacted wisdom tooth for his stature when he got here (hurt him to eat what food he had). From personal experience......I was 6-2 and 155 pounds when I graduated from high school. I'm now 34, stand 6-4 and weigh 235. Unless Krispy Kremes contain steroids, I did it the natural way.

As for the second part, what??? :)


Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
couple of replies to some of the questions/comments that were made in this thread

1)Regarding how players obtain steroids even though they are illegal.

I believe that there was something on HBO sports (I think it was this show) that explained how easily someone that was interested in obtaining steroids could make a phone call to someone in Mexico and order as much juice as they wanted to. The seller would then have someone smuggle the stuff across the border. It is then shipped wherever it needs to go...Simple.

2)About Sosa gaining 35 lbs....

The guy gained like 60 or 70 pounds worth of muscle in a very short span. I know that weight training is a critical part of these player's offseason conditioning now (as opposed to 15 years ago), but Sosa went from a twig boy to a freakin' hulk. I've thought that the guy was juicin' it for years. I don't see weight gain as a big deal, but when someone gains that much muscle mass in a very short period of time, a red flag has to go up.


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Nov 9, 2000
Reilly said in a TV interview that Sosa played for years without hitting more than 40 homers in any one year,yet he has hit more than 60 homers each of the last 3 years.He also said that before McGuire doing it,the frequency of anyone hitting more than 60 homers has been rare.So since Sosa said that he would be the first on line to test for steroids,he proposed Sammy taking the test as soon as he can.That is when Sammy got mad.

I stated in my earlier post I thought it was wrong to ambush Sammy.But Sosa could have ended the speculation of steroid use by taking the test,unless he is hiding something.

Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
This is Joe McCarthy stuff and Reilly only gets away with it because in sports journalism you can say or do just about anything and people either laugh it off or get exercised about it, like the people on this thread. Reilly knows damn well that Sosa can't get himself tested in the middle of labor negotiations when the very issue is a matter of negotiation. What Sosa should have done was beat the little fuhk within an inch of his life.

But the more important substantive point is that once again the sports reporters are so far behind on the curve on the issue it's laughable. Steroids are a problem with kids and maybe some small time college players. But the big boys are not taking steroids. There are much more efficient performance enhancing drugs out there than steroids. Pure testosterone is about three or four times more effective than steroids and it can't be detected. There are other growth hormones available with the same properties. Now which drugs do you think Barry Bonds uses, steroids or those that are more effective and can't be detected?

As for those who worry about "hallowed" records being broken by cheaters, I don't have a lot of sympathy. Babe Ruth and Joe D and the other sainted ones were playing in a rigged system, a segregated system. Their records are a hell of a lot more tainted to me than the ones that are falling these days. If Babe Ruth were playing in this era and were able to summon the self-discipline he lacked in his previous life, he might be almost as good as Jason Giambi. Maybe. More likely he would be another Bye-Bye Balboni.


Interesting point about segregation that hasn't been brought up amongst all the other discussion. I'm surprised in fact that Michael Wilbon hasn't even mentionned it because he's usually all over that sort of thing. I don't agree that the records wouldn't be there in Ruths and others' cases, because its a hard thing to hit 600 homeruns no matter who you're facing. But it's true that there may have been some competition or even someone to do it slightly more.

"arm works" is just a term on how 'clean' a guys arm motion is in delivery used in trying to forecast who gets hurt or who won't, not really a physiological thing. Hard to explain but easy to see -- Tommy Glavine's arm works well. Maddux's arm works. But then look at Bartolo Colon or Armando Benitez. They have funky arm action but get away with it for the most part -- not really getting injured. But Kerry Wood has bad arm action and he gets cut on. The latin guys catch and throw so much that they are better than most guys in the US in that aspect as an entire group.... whether its genetic or just hours of playing, I don't know, but when you go down the the Dominican to watch games its just amazing the way the 15 and 16 year old kids throw.


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Aug 27, 2001
Let me set some shit straight...

Let me set some shit straight...

First off, guys it's good to see all of you.. I've had some personal and marital problems over the past month thats why I haven't been around.. thisisbad is doing a whale of a job with the *CONSENSUS PICK* thread and I am greatful.. I hope to be back in a few weeks and give him a much needed break..

Now enough with the personal shit..

I'm sick of hearing about ROIDS.. It's doesn't make one ounce of difference if a player is on them or not.. It's a personal choice.. None of mine, yours or some damn sports writers business.. Everyone on here that speaks out about "gear" needs do to some home work and quit talking out their ass.. That's talking shit for you that aren't in the know.. Steroids weren't even illegal until the early 80's and didn't become a scheduled 3 controlled substance until 1990 or 1991.. They are not going to kill you or going to give you brain cancer as Alzado claimed.. I've been invovled in the iron game for several years.. I have done a few cycles in my life time and just had my blood work done two weeks ago and it was 5 by 5... I'm here to dispell myths about ROIDS.. If they were so damn bad for you, then why do docotrs treat AIDS, cancer and burn patients with them.. Do you give some who is dying a drug that is going to kill them.. HELL NO !!!! People think you can do a few shots of test, deca or what ever and then lay on the couch and it's a magic pill... HELL NO !!! I along with everyone else who's done a cycle bust their ass in the gym to get what they have.. I trained 10 times harder while I was on as opposed to when I was off.... ROIDS do not give you "roid rage" this is another B.S. myth.. I know plenty of people who have taken gear for years and have never "freaked out"... If you are a calm person with out them, you'll be the same with them.. I get on a soap box when I talk about steroids because I know the truth and America has been feed this bull shit for years about what steroids will do to you... It's all crap.. I challenge any of you nay sayers to find me one documented case where Steroids was the main factor in someones death.. There isn't ONE.. People get cancer everyday and god knows from what, but if a person has ever done roids you think it comes from that.. BULL *UCKING SHIT !! Alzados doctors wouldn't even say for sure that the roids caused his brain cancer, you know why because it could have been anything.. You think he lived a clean life style when it came to other drugs.?? Don't be stupid... If some one gets liver cancer or kidney faliure then I might go along with it a little better.. Just because several steroids metabolize in the liver ... As someone stated earlier Test is a great deal more powerful than other anabolics but they can be tested for.. When you do a check for free test levels in the blood and it's raised 100 times what it is susposed to be then they know, but here's the catch.... If you take over the counter supplements some can elevate your free test levels and those supplements are LEGAL... Just because baseball is wanting to test for roids doesn't mean shit... Do you honestly think that NFL players aren't juicing.. If you do then I don't even want to hear what you have to say because you are blind... There are so many ways around these test it's not even funny and as someone said how do you test for something like Growth hormone or test, when your body produces it on it's own.. You can't because so many things that are legal can raise or lower these levels...

I'm done ranting and I'm sure there will be some wise asses that come back and say that roids are bad because their doctor told them that they were.. LOL.. I never once knew of a college course on steroids... think about it.. I could talk circles around a doctor about gear and would be right because I've been there and done that... There isn't even much testing on the effects of steroids and if you ask many of your physicians about them, they will tell you that they DO NOT work... Many doctors claim it's a pleacebo effect.. I say we let them speak up for once and then we can all shut the hell up about whether or not McGwire, Bonds or Sosa are or were on the gear.. It's irrelevant.. It's personal and none of your damn business.. Bottom line..

One last note... Roids shouldn't be scheduled the way they are because they do not inebriate you nor are they addictive... I've never heard of someone robbing a liquor store for roid money.. Many of you pot somkers feel the same way about weed as I do about steroids.. I say make them both legal....

I might not be able to get back to a computer for a few days, but I can't wait to hear some comments when I do... Have a great 4th fellas.. I'm off to the gym..:cool:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
I would say that Sosa is probably taking them and is really worried over tainted records and taking his home runs away. No way he passes testing. I have my doubts about barry bonds also. Maybe he will step up and take the tests.

Mack - sorry no one is going to agree with you that steroids are not dangerous to your long term health. Its not allowed in football where it would seem to be much more needed. We could have huge robot like lineman. Hey we all ready do ...geezzz

Last edited:


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Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209


AR182 said:
Reilly said in a TV interview that Sosa played for years without hitting more than 40 homers in any one year,yet he has hit more than 60 homers each of the last 3 years.He also said that before McGuire doing it,the frequency of anyone hitting more than 60 homers has been rare.

Here are Sammy's numbers before 1998: (at bats/homeruns)

1994 ChC 426 25
1995 ChC 564 36
1996 ChC 498 40
1997 ChC 642 36

As you can see, Sammy had 40 in 1996. He was leading the league in homeruns on about the 15th of August when he was drilled in the hand with a pitch and broke his wrist, missing the rest of the year. He likely would have reached 50. Hundley needed virtually the rest of the season to overtake him for that year's homerun crown.

In 1996, Sammy was somewhere between his former Twig status and today's hulk status.

While I'm at it, Sammy is actually smaller by about 10 pounds than he was in years 1998-1999. He became so bulky, he lost speed and flexibility. Baylor got on to him, and he responded by toning it down a bit. He was a fairly bad outfielder in those years. He vastly improved to an average outfielder after dropping the weight. If he is on steroids, he's got one hell of a doctor because he's been using them for many years without any noticable damage..............the guy plays a 160 games a year.


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Aug 21, 2001
Mt. Prospect, IL
I think its naive not to believe a lot of these guys are on them. Look at Brady Anderson. The guy was a 15-20 HR guy then out of nowhere he hits over 50. Look at Luis Gonzalez. He used to look like the alien on Quisp cereal boxes and was a 10-15 HR/year hitter. Then he hits 30, then 57. Now he will have to work to get 30 this season....probably has gone off them. Being a Cub fan, I love to watch Sammy hit but I'd be surprised if he wasn't on them. The guy's head is even bigger than it used to be. How about Bonds? I saw a film clip of him charging the mound from 1998 and he looked to be about 30 lbs lighter. The guy had never hit 50 in a season and all of a sudden he hits 73? I think he got jealous of the limelight Sosa and McGwire had.


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Jan 15, 2002
Re: Let me set some shit straight...

Re: Let me set some shit straight...

Originally posted by Big_Mack
First off, guys it's good to see all of you.. I've had some personal and marital problems over the past month thats why I haven't been around.. thisisbad is doing a whale of a job with the *CONSENSUS PICK* thread and I am greatful.. I hope to be back in a few weeks and give him a much needed break..

Welcome back. You started a good thread with "CP" and it's still rolling along. I've snipped your post up, left it in bold and replied to certain parts of it. I think I still left the spirit of it, though.

If they were so damn bad for you, then why do docotrs treat AIDS, cancer and burn patients with them..

Simple. Because roids have effects that are beneficial to people with these diseases. Morphine, codeine, and cocaine are bad for you too, but they still have them in pharmacies and prescribe them to people (yes, they do have Coke in some pharmacies. It's used in some compounds. It's not likely to be in your local retail pharmacy, though. I know a guy, personally, who was caught stealing it from a pharmacy and went to jail for it. ).

Do you give some who is dying a drug that is going to kill them.. HELL NO !!!!

Hell yes. There are tons of drugs that are bad for you that no doctor would suggest for a healthy person. What you are saying is like saying, "Since X-rays can cause cancer, why would a doctor X-ray somebody?" Well, because the long range dangers are outweighed by the short term benefits.

ROIDS do not give you "roid rage" this is another B.S. myth.. I know plenty of people who have taken gear for years and have never "freaked out"... If you are a calm person with out them, you'll be the same with them.. I get on a soap box when I talk about steroids because I know the truth and America has been feed this bull shit for years about what steroids will do to you... It's all crap..

A simple google search on "effects of steroid" shows many medical and drug associations (NIDA, AAP, etc.) that seem to be "feeding this bull shit to us". Acording to you, they're either lying or mistaken.

I could talk circles around a doctor about gear and would be right because I've been there and done that...

Sure. And he could talk circles around you about how the liver processes drugs and how the body reacts on a physiological level to steroids.

Many doctors claim it's a pleacebo effect.. I say we let them speak up for once and then we can all shut the hell up about whether or not McGwire, Bonds or Sosa are or were on the gear.. It's irrelevant.. It's personal and none of your damn business.. Bottom line..

First of all, BM, I don't really care about whether Roids are bad for you. Let's even say right now that they have NO negative effects whatsoever. Here's the reason it bothers me that athletes take Roids: Let's say I'm a fan of the 100m dash. What I want to see is, basically, how fast can a man run UNAIDED by drugs. I want to see the two fastest guys in the world racing man-to-man. I don't want to see the two fastest guys in the world racing the third fastest guy in the world who has been taking a drug as part of his training regimen. If he's allowed to do steroids, why wouldn't he be allowed to dope his blood? Why can't he take an amphetamine before the race?

Call me old fashioned but there's something about the purity of simply the best athletes in competition that appeals to me. The idea of a great athlete being dominated because another guy is willing to take a POTENTIALLY harmful drug is distasteful to me.

In baseball, the staining of the record books by inferior athletes with access to performance enhancing drugs is a terrible thing in my opinion.

One last note... Roids shouldn't be scheduled the way they are because they do not inebriate you nor are they addictive... I've never heard of someone robbing a liquor store for roid money.. Many of you pot somkers feel the same way about weed as I do about steroids.. I say make them both legal....

Fine with me. Make them legal. Just don't make them legal for professional athletes.

I might not be able to get back to a computer for a few days, but I can't wait to hear some comments when I do... Have a great 4th fellas.. I'm off to the gym..:cool:

Basically, just to summarize, I don't have a thing against steroids. If you want to take them to get big, help your workouts, whatever, then like you said, that's your business, not mine. But you'll never convince me that pro sports is better when they're allowed to take them.

If track and field stop testing for roids tomorrow, I'd draw a line in the record books where every record under that line represented pre-roid T&F and every record after that line represented post-roid T&F.

Shoot, roids might already be widespread in T&F. . .they probably are, but at least the governing bodies strip gold medals and edit the record books when they find out about it. We could only be so lucky with Bonds record last year.
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