Space Exploration / money well spent?


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Forum Member
Feb 6, 2001
I just read part of an article that mentions a future project by NASA to send a spacecraft to Pluto in 2006 to explore the planet and the Kuiper Belt beyond it. Cost would be between 500-800 million if Congress approves it. Can anyone tell me why the money we throw in space isnt a waste of money?? I am mainly referring to the post-space race era of the 60s and 70s.

I just cant see throwing all this money into space and getting nothing worthwhile in return. What will the information they gather do to improve or solve any earthly situations? Scientists learn more about events that occurred 4-5 billion years ago. Big deal?? Maybe it is, but I dont see it. The earth is what it is. Instead of throwing money to learn why it is, let's spend money to fix what's wrong. Or is that too logical?

I read a story in the newspaper last week that talked about school lunch menus....and how they cant supply soy milk because it doesnt fit into the education budget, yet Congress is considering giving NASA $800 million. What am I missing??

Does anyone think this is money well spent? I would be curious to hear why cuz I just dont see it.


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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I never understood this spending, either. I think the government moves a lot of money around and "says" they're spending it on "space exploration".

I think it is a joke.


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Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
Its ALL about the ALIENS :D .. :eek: .. :D

OR , to take a line from Independence Day , " you don't really think they spend $ 800 on a hammer , do you ? " :brows: :D
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