spine problem ...ok folks what am I dealing with

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Grade 1 (4.5 mm) retrolisthesis of C6 on C7, very likely degenerative. Multilevel degenerative disc disease and facet joint arthropathy. No fractures.

30 days of headaches...here what they discovered after 2 MRI on brain and 1 mri on neck...plus a x rays of throat and and spine[this showed the damage]..

went through spinal tap and catscan as well.

losing feeling in my left leg at times..some dizziness and headaches from hell though muscle relaxers[tizandine] and oxycodone[chopping it in half] have eased the pain..stiffness in neck and back of course.

scheduled for MRI on spine[10 days from now] and surgeon consult end of May.

requested referral to chiropractor as I used one 35 years ago for lower back problem

well...what ya think folks..

The Boys 2

Forum Member
Mar 31, 2016
Seek out a good Chiropractor, I know a few. Get my email from Jack and I'll get you a referral for a good one in your area.


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Jul 13, 1999
I don't know what to think. I guess it's gotten to the point where you feel something needs to be done.

My wife had the same condition and had the surgery. It helped for awhile but not 100%, maybe 50%. Then she was involved in an auto accident and had an injury nearly in the same spot and had another surgery to fuse the 4 discs back together with a plate. That surgery helped for about a month.

Now she's back to where she was before. Numbness on and off, headaches, neck pain, back pain, difficulty sleeping and some other things. I'm thinking it's worse now than before.

Looking back now, if I was my wife I wouldn't have had the surgeries. Hind sight. I don't think she would either. They've already offered a couple more surgical solutions but she/we have zero confidence that it will help.

That last surgery was about $110K plus an extra 50+ visits back for more tests, MRI's, consultations, prescriptions, rehab, etc. A fucking nightmare.

If you want some more particulars, you know how to get in touch with me. Off the top of my head, I'm thinking the same discs are involved but I'm not positive.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
I'll be in touch..

hitting the hot tub in a little while..that eases the pain for a little while.


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Jan 29, 2003
Grade 1 (4.5 mm) retrolisthesis of C6 on C7, very likely degenerative. Multilevel degenerative disc disease and facet joint arthropathy. No fractures.

30 days of headaches...here what they discovered after 2 MRI on brain and 1 mri on neck...plus a x rays of throat and and spine[this showed the damage]..

went through spinal tap and catscan as well.

losing feeling in my left leg at times..some dizziness and headaches from hell though muscle relaxers[tizandine] and oxycodone[chopping it in half] have eased the pain..stiffness in neck and back of course.

scheduled for MRI on spine[10 days from now] and surgeon consult end of May.

requested referral to chiropractor as I used one 35 years ago for lower back problem

well...what ya think folks..

1. Whoever told you that you have Grade 1 retrolisthesis is a moron because retrolisthesis is not "graded" and even anteriolisthesis (when it moves the other way) is typically only graded in the lumbar spine.

2. Leg symptoms could be from cervical spine but this is much less likely than from the lumbar spine. Have you had a lumbar spine MRI?

My guess is you have either disc or facet disease in your lumbar spine causing your leg symptoms and whatever you are taking for it is causing the headaches. Most cervical spine disease is asymptomatic unless you have arm or upper extremity symptoms or a severely narrowed canal. I of course can't tell without looking or examining you.

Word for the wise - there are a lot of bogus orthopedic and spine surgeons out there. I would go to an expert at an academic center who does not have a financial axe to grind before getting anything done. I would also recommend exhausting the PT and rehab route first before considering surgery. Chiropractors can be good but can also be very dangerous depending on the type of disease you have.


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
1. Whoever told you that you have Grade 1 retrolisthesis is a moron because retrolisthesis is not "graded" and even anteriolisthesis (when it moves the other way) is typically only graded in the lumbar spine.

2. Leg symptoms could be from cervical spine but this is much less likely than from the lumbar spine. Have you had a lumbar spine MRI?

My guess is you have either disc or facet disease in your lumbar spine causing your leg symptoms and whatever you are taking for it is causing the headaches. Most cervical spine disease is asymptomatic unless you have arm or upper extremity symptoms or a severely narrowed canal. I of course can't tell without looking or examining you.

Word for the wise - there are a lot of bogus orthopedic and spine surgeons out there. I would go to an expert at an academic center who does not have a financial axe to grind before getting anything done. I would also recommend exhausting the PT and rehab route first before considering surgery. Chiropractors can be good but can also be very dangerous depending on the type of disease you have.

Good info.....My wife has had great success with PT for her back over the last few years.... It also helps that her sister is a PT and is always a phone call away with questions/help.....

Good luck OS


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Herniated discs in the neck explain all your symptoms except the Pain in your leg.
C6/C7 I'll bet your pain/numbness/tingling is in your thumb and pointer finger on one side and maybe both. If you don't have that yet, you will I'm afraid.

I'm not opposed to chiropractors, and I think they can do amazing things with the neck and for headaches. However, when you are herniated out like this and have multilevel disease, I would think about physical therapy and pain management along with with. By pain management I don't mean just pain pills and shots but epidural steroid injections that can be placed right at the level of your injury. Those really helped me at one time, and they can do wonders.

I would try all options first before jumping into to surgery although that surgery is usually very successful. Jack's wife is a worst case scenario unfortunately because of her car accident. That's a terrible situation for her im afraid. Call/text me with any questions I can help u with.

Hope u get some Good help.


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Jul 13, 1999
She had C5 - C6 - C7 fused.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
this is what I received by e-mail

<!-- End Title Block --> About This Test

  • If you want more information about the test, select "about this test" at the top of the test result.
  • If you have a question for your physician practice about your test results, click on the "Get Medical Advice" button at the bottom of the test result screen.
  • Image/Scan results are not available in MyChart and will not display properly at this time. Please contact your provider for your results.

<!-- Start Section Block --> [h=2]Impression[/h]Impression:

Grade 1 (4.5 mm) retrolisthesis of C6 on C7, very likely degenerative. Multilevel degenerative disc disease and facet joint arthropathy. No fractures.

<!-- End Section Block -->
<!-- Start Section Block --> [h=2]Component Results[/h]There is no component information for this result.
<!-- End Section Block -->
<!-- Start Section Block --> [h=2]General Information[/h]<!-- Start Content Block --> Collected:03/31/2016 10:26 AM
Resulted:03/31/2016 10:28 AM
Ordered By:Biswa Bhattacharyya, MD
Result Status:Final result
[h=4]This test result has been released by an automatic process.[/h] Bombs...headaches started March 3rd and had not taken any medicine other than my throid pills..

I got a disc copy of all the results so far and will do so for the spine MRI...ain't nobody cutting me until I exhaust all sources and info and it's a last resort..

appreciate the input folks...keep in coming...lotta smart folks here.


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
OS, have you tried massage and stretching......I know you do a lot of heavy lifting/work......My wife's on her feet doing hair all day.... PT, Massage & Stretching has made her life so much better the last few years......:0008


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
OS, have you tried massage and stretching......I know you do a lot of heavy lifting/work......My wife's on her feet doing hair all day.... PT, Massage & Stretching has made her life so much better the last few years......:0008

I forgot to mention above traction. That helps a lot sometimes with Cspine problems. PT might incorporate that into treatment.

3 putt pete

Forum Member
Apr 10, 2015
She had C5 - C6 - C7 fused.

Same here, had two surgeries for the two fusions then another one to implant what is called a neurostimulation device. Nothing has totally relieved the pain and lack of mobility in my neck but the device has helped to reduce the pain somewhat. But this is kind of a last resort for people that have not had positive results from surgery.


I agree with the others in that you want to exhaust all alternatives to surgery before getting to the table. I had the injections, physical therapy, even acupuncture. In my case, none helped much at all but may be useful for yourself.


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Jul 13, 1999
Same here, had two surgeries for the two fusions then another one to implant what is called a neurostimulation device. Nothing has totally relieved the pain and lack of mobility in my neck but the device has helped to reduce the pain somewhat. But this is kind of a last resort for people that have not had positive results from surgery.


I agree with the others in that you want to exhaust all alternatives to surgery before getting to the table. I had the injections, physical therapy, even acupuncture. In my case, none helped much at all but may be useful for yourself.

Exactly what was recommended to my wife. She didn't have the neurostimulation device or acupuncture but had 2 or 3 injections and lots of PT. Pffffft.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Retrolisthesis is a fairly common condition that is usually overlooked or undetected. It means the one of your vertebra has translated or shifted towards your posterior in relation to the one adjacent to it. There is also a stair step subluxation (Retrolisthesis) that occurrs less frequently that involves two or more vertebrae.
The issue isn't the movement itself but the effects it has on your IVF or intervertebral foramina which is the space that contain arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, and both motor and sensory nerves. Irritation to the nerves will cause headaches and pain in the area.
Grade 1 means you have less than 25% (not positive of this number but pretty sure) movement as related to the one below. The degenerative part is generally to the disc if the issue goes unresolved. It puts a good deal of stress on the surrounding tissue and fascia which is your localized pain. The disc becomes compressed and can herniate. You may also develop an osteophyte or spur if left untreated.
Non- surgical treatment can be very effective as nerve tissue, like your liver, can regenerate. The nerves have a myelin sheath around them that protects it but is highly sensitive. It's also something that can be repaired.
You'll want to see a . chiropractor, a good one, that uses fine adjustment tools or has experience with these adjustments. They're not hard to find. They can realign the little bastard and you can begin strengthening and reconditioning the surrounding muscles and ligaments and such.
Your diet may need to be tweaked as well to speed up healing and tissue regeneration. You'll need proper intake levels of copper, zinc, glucosamine, vitamins A&C, mitochondrin, and some others. I'm sure there are some plans on line even that can help you with this. Remember, too much copper is bad.
My point is, see a chiropractor before you have surgery. Also, get a tenns unit for electro-stimulus. The chiropractor should have one for you.

I think you can fix this.

On another note, pain medication is for pain. Don't be afraid to use it for such because you have an addictive personality. You won't or shouldn't experience any euphoria when taking it. The tizanidine makes me groggy so I don't use it, but don't live in pain for no reason is all I'm saying.

Hope this helps you out a little my friend. You need to be 100% for all the hook sets we have in our future.

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

Dead Money

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Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Surgery last resort would be most prudent.

I have had back disc pain issues for 15 years, I was scheduled for disc surgery in 2006. I asked the doctor what the success rate was,
he said 85%.

After talking to people that had the exact operation, I was less than enthusiastic.

I cancelled surgery ideas, sadly gave up golf, started a regimen of core stretching and bike riding.
Started taking mineral supplements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc)

It took time, and a more casual life style, but 10 years later, I still stretch, not as much bike riding, took up senior water volleyball.

The back is far from perfect, but I am mostly pain free, any flare ups, Advil seems to handle.

I recently upgraded my shoes to Adidas Energy Boost on the advice of my Masseur. Like night and day...
I was in the habit of wearing tennis shoes till they wore out...that is bad for back.
According to what I am reading, daily shoes need to be replaced on a regular basis.

Gluck Old School

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
thanks everybody..

now could somebody explain to me why my hot tub quit working..

:director: shit happens...then more shit happens..

just imagine if I was still a drunk....this would be mighty ugly..

no fears....w/help from my friends here and an a visit from the hot tum guru we will continue forward..

:chairshot....aint stopping yet....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
old girlfriend of mine had back surgery and it helped her quite a bit...but she had what she called"drop foot" for almost a year afterward(she explained that she sort lost some control of one foot..,not extensively,but enough to need a cane for a period of time)...apparently as the nerves straightened out, that corrected....

if I stand for long periods of time,my left hip can numb up a bit but it`s not really constant or all that problematic for me...wasn`t aware that back issues caused serious headaches....

getting` old is a bear,,,but it beats the alternative....hang in there buddy and try and lay off the oxy...I`ve heard some horror stories...

The Boys 2

Forum Member
Mar 31, 2016
old girlfriend of mine had back surgery and it helped her quite a bit...but she had what she called"drop foot" for almost a year afterward(she explained that she sort lost some control of one foot..,not extensively,but enough to need a cane for a period of time)...apparently as the nerves straightened out, that corrected....

if I stand for long periods of time,my left hip can numb up a bit but it`s not really constant or all that problematic for me...wasn`t aware that back issues caused serious headaches....

getting` old is a bear,,,but it beats the alternative....hang in there buddy and try and lay off the oxy...I`ve heard some horror stories...

I have a good stretching exercise for that hip issue.
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