sports broadcasters are space cadets


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Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
They all are, as the current one is a good example.
I did a groogle.stoned search, so as to not sound like a total idiot, but couldn't find his name. Is it Shulman doing this Sunday night shiite w/the flubs?

Whatevas...they were talking pennant races and he commented, regarding Rays seeking Sox, that Lester hasn't been very good lately. Unless I'm on cheaper drugs than unformentioned, Lester has been briliiant lately, preceeding Sunday's game vs same Rays.

Is it all what-have-you-done-for-me-lately territory or do people's attention spans constitute the square root of a day?

I'm not peeved, or nuttin', as I had the Rays Sunday as hello-doggie (do 'em vs Britton as cheap price too, methinks) and also had some cubs action (1st5 woulda broke me even but lateness fluke regurgitates my falcons flub).

My biggest recommendation to any newbie gamblers (and 0.666% of likely readers will be such) would be to totally discount any shiite cookie bombs you hear from any sports commentators...freakin' space cadets.

Just ranting.
For no apparent reason.
Suprerb August has become a grim September but Sunday was better than a bologne sandwich. Sept sucks for baseball bets.

May your sleep be better than my lack of.

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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Most television sports guys are spread too thin to really really know the sport they are covering. I'd say 1 out of 10 might know the entire league they are covering in depth. Usually they just know the one team (if they do any local work), and everything they know about the rest of the league they learned from reading the past 3 days of box scores or maybe watching ESPN.

You can really tell when the good sportscasters do their homework. To be great they have to do their homework and eat,live,die for the sport they cover. Some guys simply don't want to put in the work.

For the in depth analysis of a particular team, you have to look to their regional coverage, or increasingly to bloggers, who compile stats and do better analysis than ex-jocks.

This is most applicable to baseball.
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