AcesGold Casino, for NFL sides on fri, offer 3-1, 7-1, 15-1, etc. as part of their no vig special. These odds, like Infinity's 7-1, are the best anyone can reasonably hope to find as they are no vig "true" odds. The best I've come across 24X7 is the 7-1 at Infinity you mentioned ( the reason they are my newest out ) and 2.9-1 at AllWorld ( the reason they are my 2nd newest out ).
This is a subject, 2 and 3 tmr odds, I ask about and look into a lot this time of year. Noone else beats those two 24X7. There are other outs that offer 6.5-1 on three teamers, but not 7-1. Most only allow the "somewhat" better odds for restricted times, and AG is the best of those, IMO.
I have not used them, I am considering it depending on their line variation with AG, but I believe Gameday also offers the same vig deals AG does on fridays.