I deposited money in this sports book, won some after a month or so and then I tried to get my money back from them. Problem is they sent me an e-mail advising me to send them a copy of my drivers license, a copy of my bank statement where they drafted the money out of my account and a copy of my utility bill showing my current address on it. When they took the money out of my bank account (Swithpay) they asked me for my address, bank account number, name, etc., but when I want them to send me money won, they want copies of my bank account statement, drivers license, etc. Not sure what is going on as I never had to give this to Firepay, Neteller, etc., when I won money and wanted it deposited back into my account. I tried to get my money without giving them copy of my account, but the told me I had to. I hope I am not being set up by them to take more money out of my account. I certainly will never to business with this book or Swithpay in the future.