Thanks again Steel City followed your Clippers and have been following your posts. I only wish you stated a sentence or two at your basis for your plays but I'm sure like all of us you live a busy life. Good luck and Thanks again!
let jus say that I've been at this a long time.
atleast 30 yrs.
theres many ways to handicap a game.
some look at the match up ....past strengths weaknesses
the line the line factors.....situations....patterns....angles
lots ways to do this.
i have weeded down to what i look at to 4 or 5 different situations/angles
this is after years and years off trial and error.
when i see a situation that shows up and i know that i should have the
advantage then i make a play.
so when i post a play there is yrs. of handicapping behind it.
i just don't like to post the reasoning, just how i feels about it.
but tonite, memphis should be in a bad spot or go against
advantage is with mia and the points.
hopefully it hits tonite but i know over the course of the season based on what i use that this situation
will make money.
the main thing to remember is the less plays the better.
or atleast thats better for me and i would think most overall.
there are some exceptions like jord and some others that do well
with betting the slate.
hope this helps a little, be glad to talk to you anytime if you want to
i guess send me a message.
gluck burgh....