Its funny. I've never been a proponent of the "my guy is clean your guy is dirty" arguement. I've said in the past whether your Kerry or Bush, you have to be beholden to so many people on your way up the ladder that you be necessity come within the definition of bought and sold.
Thats why I believe to this day that the single most important issue facing this country concerning its future position in the world is not terrorism but rather real campaign finance reform. Excuse me but I will always vehemently oppose your senior senatoron this issue.
I've got to admit I saw a trial lawyer tactic employed by Edwards on that your daughter is a lesbian schtick. The tactic was the way Edwards stated his admiring Cheney on that issue when the only real reason he raised it was to let everyone know Cheney's daughter was a lesbo.
Frankly, Cheney's response couldn't have been better in thanking him. I thought Cheney did well. He kept his cool and didn't lose it like I hoped he would. Gotta blame my neighbor (actually does live in the same school district that me, little Ed, and the Mrs. are in) for prepping the felon so well.
Bush needs a good day on Friday to recapture his momentum. In that light, I'm thinking about sending him a couple of lines of blow and a bottle of Grey Goose on Thursday. Just kidding, I'm sure he will be better prepared and may take a different tact.
I'm also wondering what kind of tv numbers we will get out of friday as compared to last thursday. Frankly, I'm hoping there down as I think Bush could only get better this Friday. We'll see.
On golf, I'm going to Atlanta tomorrow to play with a bunch of old high school and grade school friends sans wives. Three days of golf, beer, and lies. Just what the doctor ordered.
Speaking of the Doctor, wouldn't it be fun if we could get the Freezer to drive his 86 Malibu east about 500 miles and meet us on the first tee. I'm thinking next spring as this Atlanta trip will set me back some coupled with the oncoming weather doesn't leave us a lot of time to plan an outing.
If we do get together for golf, just a quick question, are you a gun owner. I just wanted to know.