Subway Props - Food for thought, Bubba please read

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Forum Member
Jan 24, 2002
here on the line now-

Lead changes o/u 20.5
Cautions o/u 5.5
Caution laps o/u 35.5
Car to finish
all 393 o/u 12.5

got this info from nascar homepage and some of is incomplete

2001 Feb
4 cautions - 47 laps
20 lead changes
13 car on lead lap

2001 nov
2 cautions - 14 laps
16 lead changes
9 car on lead lap

2000 Feb
4 cautions - 27 laps
16 lead changes
4 car on lead lap

2000 nov
19 cars on to finish on lead lap

1999 Feb
25 lead changes
10 cars on lead lap

1999 Nov
18 lead changes
8 cars on lead lap

1998 Feb
27 lead changes
13 cars on lead lap

1998 nov
20 lead changes
10 cars on lead lap

what does all this mean?

my leans are toward over 20.5 lead changes, under 5.5 cautions
under 35.5 caution laps(47 last year was due to a mess that
took up 29 laps)

So here is the Question
Bubba, is all this a mute point wit the new single engine rule? do we need to figure on at least one or two extra cautions due to blown engine and thus more cautions laps. less lead change becauce teams wont push it early.

:shrug: a little help would be good.


Forum Member
Jun 10, 2001
Las Vegas, NV
As I said before, I am a relative newbie to NASCAR. I dont have many answers, only questions. This site seems like a good place for people to share ideas.
One thing I felt was that quite a few people waited to see the practice and qualifying positions to decide on who to bet. I dont feel that is anywhere near as important, especially the practice positions. In fact, it may turn out to be that a high practice finish may be detrimental for the race.

Another question I have is if anyone followed whether drivers being in the SAT Busch series adversely affected them in the Winston cup race. Maybe they are tired? Last week JR won the Busch race and was a "no factor" on SUN.

Tuck, I dont see what you mean about the caution flags, etc being of importance. What did you mean?

(I work SAT and SUN mornings, so I may not be able to reply always)


Forum Member
Jun 10, 2001
Las Vegas, NV

I was surprised to find out that you can bet things like caution flags, lead changes, drivers on lead lap, and avg speed of race winner. I found those props at the Imperial Palace.

I would imagine with the 1 engine rule, there might be a little difference in these, especially on the 500 & 600 mile races. After running engines in practice and then qualifying, teams SHOULD be a little worried the engine will hold up. I would expect drivers and teams would run the engine a little easier, especially at the start. That should mean less cautions.
It would seem if drivers are a little more carefull, then there also would be a slower average speed and more drivers together at the end.
This is only speculation tho.
What do you think?
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