Mike Foreman

Registered User
Forum Member
I wanted to let you all know that we we will be experiencing "Sun Outages" both today and tomorrow.

Twice a year, during a three-and-a-half week period prior to the Spring Equinox and following the Fall Equinox, the Sun's path across the sky is very close to that of the arc of geo-stationary communications satellites. Sun transit outage, or sun fade, occurs when the sun aligns directly above a satellite in orbit and a downlink antenna. As the Sun is a wideband radio source, satellite receivers will suffer a much higher background noise level for the few minutes the Sun is in view of their dish, to the extent that communications can be severely disrupted. Basically, the tremendous power of the sun completely overpowers the very faint satellite signals.

This will cause our Internet & phone to be down between 3:26 - 3:39 pm ET.

My understanding is that this will cause almost all books in Curacao & Costa Rica to be down.

There are some game going off right about this time, so please try to get your bets in early.

If you have a betting emergency during this time frame, you can reach us at +5999 733-1250.


Mike Foreman
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