Sunday Beavis Sunday

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Arlington, VA
LN: 3-0, +6u
YTD: 4-1, +5u

Beavis sez "thank you" to the Man

LAC v. Tor:
LAC 1h +2.5 (3 units out of 4): Went to the Clips/Wiz game last week, and it struck me that the Clips worked pretty hard and played some good defense in the first half, but basically phoned it in in the second half. Then they did the same thing against Charlotte. Then I did some research.

Clips are 23-10-4 in first halfs, 8-5-1 first half on the road (not ATS), but only a 18-19 team. Clips are 1-7 on the road when AHEAD at the half. This team can play with anybody when they want to, and usually does in the first half, but they eventually lose interest.

Sac v. Phx:
Sac - 8.5 (1 unit) didn't like this game at -11, but will jump in at 8.5

Cle v. Port: wouldn't touch this one unless you put a gun to my head