Week 16's recap: 9-6(+16.4 units)
Ytd: 121-97 55.5% (+46.4units)
SD-2 pending...(LOSER!)
* 16 unit swing on that ****in O 39 with Car/Az..but then again i got lucky with Miami -6'..it does seem to even out in the end, even though i hate admitting it..
back in a bit wanna check one last thing ...
* edit was to update the SD loser i had, and update record
[This message has been edited by Antonio (edited 12-30-2001).]
Ytd: 121-97 55.5% (+46.4units)
SD-2 pending...(LOSER!)
* 16 unit swing on that ****in O 39 with Car/Az..but then again i got lucky with Miami -6'..it does seem to even out in the end, even though i hate admitting it..
back in a bit wanna check one last thing ...
* edit was to update the SD loser i had, and update record
[This message has been edited by Antonio (edited 12-30-2001).]