I pick my plays according to a power rating system that i use and counting the intangibles, like revenge, how many games a team has lost in a row, and basically look at their last 7 games for a patterern of good/poor playing. I ususally don't post but play them 1 at a time down the line based on how them one before did either uping or downing the size of my bet, crazy system but it works for me.
According to the numbers here are todays plays
1. Wright St. + 1 1.5 units
2. Virginia + 5 1 unit
3. Rider +6.5 1 unit
4. Wichita St + 13 .5 unit
Trend play Mia Fla/Rut under 62 first half .5 unit, if it goes under first half, i'll bet the over the second if it is within 10 pts of the posted first half total. GL
According to the numbers here are todays plays
1. Wright St. + 1 1.5 units
2. Virginia + 5 1 unit
3. Rider +6.5 1 unit
4. Wichita St + 13 .5 unit
Trend play Mia Fla/Rut under 62 first half .5 unit, if it goes under first half, i'll bet the over the second if it is within 10 pts of the posted first half total. GL