Fla +140 (1 unit)
Buff +155 (1 unit)
Washington +160 (3 units)
San Jose -115 (5 units)
1 unit......146-190-7, -33.85
3 unit......54-36-1, +29.75
5 unit......11-4, +33.55
Parlays.....1-3, -.91
NHL Game of Year...Anaheim +115, 12/13/14, WON, Anaheim 4 Winn 1, +11.5 units
TOTAL of YEAR...WON, over 5 Det/Winn 11/20/14, Detroit 4 Winnipeg 3, +10.0 units
WON..214...LOSS...233... Push...8.....units..+50.04...since 10/08/2014
Buff +155 (1 unit)
Washington +160 (3 units)
San Jose -115 (5 units)
1 unit......146-190-7, -33.85
3 unit......54-36-1, +29.75
5 unit......11-4, +33.55
Parlays.....1-3, -.91
NHL Game of Year...Anaheim +115, 12/13/14, WON, Anaheim 4 Winn 1, +11.5 units
TOTAL of YEAR...WON, over 5 Det/Winn 11/20/14, Detroit 4 Winnipeg 3, +10.0 units
WON..214...LOSS...233... Push...8.....units..+50.04...since 10/08/2014