Please post here if the site is slow for you today.
The key times would be between 12-1pm eastern
330-430 eastern
730-830 eastern
any other times you have trouble,
Try to be specific about the areas you are having the most problems. New Posts, Forums, clicking a thread, clicking a thread that has a lot of replies, replying to a thread, starting a new thread, etc.
This can help them narrow where the problem is but I already know it's the busy times but still post.
Appreciate any replies if having a problem.
I won't be here from about 1230 to 430.
The key times would be between 12-1pm eastern
330-430 eastern
730-830 eastern
any other times you have trouble,
Try to be specific about the areas you are having the most problems. New Posts, Forums, clicking a thread, clicking a thread that has a lot of replies, replying to a thread, starting a new thread, etc.
This can help them narrow where the problem is but I already know it's the busy times but still post.
Appreciate any replies if having a problem.
I won't be here from about 1230 to 430.