sunday slide


I'd pound it
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Sunny Florida and Naptown
2-3-1 -8.3 units

got my ass handed to me in ncaa yesterday lets add some more misery today. if it all goes today will have lost a whole season of profits from bases. ughhhhh

boy i can't find my ass right now. been capping these games for over a week now and am still not comfortable with them.

indy should destroy buffalo today. colts get 35 on their own and buffalo may get shut out. laugh now but it could happen. the dome will be a rockin.

indy - 10 10 units

defense,defense,defense. thats what both of these teams have. cincy is much improved people especially on the defensive side of the ball and both of these offenses are bad. baltimore is hangin on by thread before they implode. even with grbac its like a addiction. no points scored. don't be suprised if cinncy wins straight up.

cincy under 34 10 units

well this game looks like the wrong play. minn looked terrible against carolina and the bears played great for a half. weather is an issue for the ground game. but moss is going to come up big today. neither of these teams can run the ball. i will take the better qb and recievers here.

minny -3 10 units

[This message has been edited by neverteaseit (edited 09-23-2001).]


I'd pound it
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Sunny Florida and Naptown
ok maybe against my bettor judgement but k.c. now +1'. go figure. chiefs offense will find many holes in the g-man d today. i am mystified by this line. give me the points and the home doggie.

k.c. +1' 10 units
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