

Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
was #1 for the first 4 weeks out of 5 with over 160 plays really could give a shit,like i said it was cleared was my point,i don't play with toys dont have time,if you want plays read them here,the same as contest when do you see me play them,only a few takes away from daily.

you don't get it do you college little boy,i do this as a profession could care less if someone is better then me here,thats my point,i care about my income not lunch money. or 25 cent beer night money.

so clean the shit from between your ears and understand i don't crave respect like you and try to get it for my friends to be frank i could care less who gives a shit about me or not,all i care about is running my business and maintaining a good quality of lifestyle as i deem needed.

you still can't get it through your backswords ass thick head,its not about anything but the cash,you might hit 72% to my 55 or 56% but my cash intake will far exceed yours and that i will bet you on.

good luck kid hit the school books and someday you will understand. its not about me its about business and making money not beating fletcher and pumping friends for i said could give a fuk but i know i have respect in vegas as well as in the sports world of coaching and players,and of other people i went to college with and know in community ,its not because i crave and seek it,its because it came to me as how i handle myself in community and what i give out not take back. like i said i am quite happy with myself,donot need people to blow my horn or do i do it till a prick like you gets under my skin then i will fire off.

go back to study hall before you flunk out,and if you are not a college kid,then why do 3 of you live together and can only have 1 pc in room like it was explained,inless your are bert and ernie,hell they have been sleeping in same room and taking baths together since i was 4-5 thats 36 years,but what ever floats your boat. in closeing if you want respect earn it and shut up,don't need to hear it to be respected,or read it. or beg for it,it just comes and you will know it.

and you don't have to be liked to be respected.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
With you on this Eric.

Good luck today and thanks for all you did for us in Vegas.

Friends buddy!:D

kcwolf (Wayne)


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 28, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
1st of all, i just said great job and keep it up and see if u can get to #1. I haven't responded back to u since the 1st day i said something to u. But u have responded 2 days in a row, with wizzard plays and today u said something to me about u goin to #17, so i said again good job, c if u can get to #1. If that bothered u then u have a problem. How could that have got under your skin.
If u r comfortable with yourself then nothing nobody says can bother u. Just because u have a big name and r know in Las Vegas, what does that mean. Wayne Root is known well in Las Vegas, u want me to tell u what i think about him. I have shut up for 2 days now, and u keep on stirring it up. I'm comfortable with myself and my abilities, wasn't talking about my respect because i don't even post in the nba or college forum before this, i was talking about people like INNAVATION an JROCK (GMONEY) who r on top of Best Bettor and get no respect or praise here in this forum. It just goes to 2 people. I don't need accolades or praise myself because as i said i didn't even post in those forums.
Y u have to get mad and make it personal, i don't understand. I said nothing personal about u or your family and i think your comments were inappropriate about me. But u know, i don't hold grudges and take things personal and u should'nt either. Just because someone makes a comment u don;t like, say something to them and let it be. It just pisses me off all these other a**holes have to put their 2 cents in when it was betweeen u and I.
So it's over. Let it be.
Good Luck with your picks in the future.


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Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002


It's about time someone spoke there mind on this board.
I have to say I don't know you so I can't say I like you!
But the work you do and the knowledge you add to this board earns you my respect. Keep up the good work. And good luck.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
I cant help but feel that Bains and Rico have snuck back in here. Almost the same line about the respect thing for his friends and all that . Could Rico the wildman be Wizs roomie ?

anyway keep up the good work fletch. dont let him get under your skin....



Flecther trying to head down to Vegas in october with the wife. Would really like to meet you my man.

** Jack this prick is starting all sorts of:topic: posts in the forum lately. I think he need a talking to.;)
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