was #1 for the first 4 weeks out of 5 with over 160 plays really could give a shit,like i said it was cleared was my point,i don't play with toys dont have time,if you want plays read them here,the same as contest when do you see me play them,only a few takes away from daily.
you don't get it do you college little boy,i do this as a profession could care less if someone is better then me here,thats my point,i care about my income not lunch money. or 25 cent beer night money.
so clean the shit from between your ears and understand i don't crave respect like you and try to get it for my friends to be frank i could care less who gives a shit about me or not,all i care about is running my business and maintaining a good quality of lifestyle as i deem needed.
you still can't get it through your backswords ass thick head,its not about anything but the cash,you might hit 72% to my 55 or 56% but my cash intake will far exceed yours and that i will bet you on.
good luck kid hit the school books and someday you will understand. its not about me its about business and making money not beating fletcher and pumping friends for respect.like i said could give a fuk but i know i have respect in vegas as well as in the sports world of coaching and players,and of other people i went to college with and know in community ,its not because i crave and seek it,its because it came to me as how i handle myself in community and what i give out not take back. like i said i am quite happy with myself,donot need people to blow my horn or do i do it till a prick like you gets under my skin then i will fire off.
go back to study hall before you flunk out,and if you are not a college kid,then why do 3 of you live together and can only have 1 pc in room like it was explained,inless your are bert and ernie,hell they have been sleeping in same room and taking baths together since i was 4-5 thats 36 years,but what ever floats your boat. in closeing if you want respect earn it and shut up,don't need to hear it to be respected,or read it. or beg for it,it just comes and you will know it.
and you don't have to be liked to be respected.