Super 6!

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Jul 19, 2007
I really wonder what everyone is thinking about the super 6!
There is only 1 and a half week to go, and there has been some discussion in other threads?but IMO this tourney really deserves an own thread.

So here are my thoughts on the first round.

Abraham Taylor
Taylor seems to have trained well for this fight and I?m still not sure how Abraham will carry the weight?he looks seriously dwarfed by some of his competitors.
But still, I guess he has the upper hand here. He?s quite a heavey favourite and Taylor might have some early success, but that?s nothing new for him?IMO Abraham will stop him late.
I?m not sure if I will take Abraham straight, Abraham by ko or Abraham by late ko, I might as well split my bet.

Froch vs. Dirrell
Tough fight to call for me.
Dirrell IMO is the dark horse of this tourney. He?s the more skilled fight in this mathup, but Froch is veery tough. If Dirrell fights a smart fight, he can upset Froch. Taylor really came terribly close to beating Froch. So if Dirrell does just a little better, paces himself better, he can win?he will probably have to settle for a decision since Froch has an excellent chin (decent value at +330 or the like)

Ward Kessler
IMO Ward and Taylor have the least chance to win this tourney, so I?m a little surprised that Ward is actually only a 2-1 dog against Kessler, who is the favourite to win the super 6.
Ward doesn?t have a good chin and Miranda is done, so a victory over him doesn?t mean that much. He?s a decent boxer, but I cant see him winning too many fights in this tourney. Kessler hasn?t fought the toughest opposition lately, but he should be able to put Ward in his place. Kessler (probably by ko)!

Overall, I think that Kessler is rightfully the fave to win it all. Abraham might be the best in a pound4pound sense and his defence will spell a lot of trouble for his opponents, but I have yet see how well he carries the weight (hope he doenst get sluggish). Dirrell with his skill and his power might be able to surprise (but I?m still wondering a bit about his toughness).
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Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
Good thread Zerwas
I am also curious to see how Abraham carries 168
He looked fantastic fighting Miranda at 166 in Florida

I saw both Dirrell and Ward at the Arreola fight a few weeks ago....they both look in shape...but Dirrell looked bigger

I actually could envision all 3 European dudes winning in the first round...I doubt very much every American wins...

Taylor-Abraham is gonna be interesting because they are pace themselves so differently...Taylor fights very hard early and then gasses out EVERY FIGHT....literally every fight he loses 11 and 12....Abraham doesn't do anything for 3 rounds, and then unleashes hell on the opponent....

I think the oddsmakers have the lines pretty accurate....As Romi and a few others pointed out, this thing is going to 2011...I am going to bet fight by fight....that's a long time to wait on a tourney winner....

By the way....mandatory reading from Hauser...talks about Showtime, the Super Six, HBO, and basically how Ross Greenburg sucks....