Just called one of my offshores, They are using NFC - 6 1/2 and 50.
Ilove your play ,as I bet a large number -6 1/2.I think it's Rams vs. Shit,nobody can score at will the way Rams can. I too am considering the same,bump up my play. I also did something I would NEVER do in the past. I made a bet the same size on St. Louis at even money.
Rams are the best team ,plain and simple.AFC teams do not stack up .I never have bet an even money future,but I think this is a good move. I have futures on Miami, Philly and G.B. all 21 to 26 to one ,so I have some outs.But that was from Sept. I think Rams win the Super Bowl from Maine to Spain !!!!
Hell,if I pop my plays I've made for this weekend,I shall play some more on NFC -6 1/2. Good play and enjoy your victory....Spanky....
Oh, I would also have a taste of OVER, as the Rams can cover alone,but history tells us OVER is the play in the Super Bowl..