Super Size Me?

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Vegas Dave

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 23, 2002
Anyone seen this movie?

Apparently its a popular documentary about a man who ingests nothing but McDonald's "food" for 30 days, he has to eat everything on the menu at least once, and if he's asked to super size he must. What a punishment.

The award winning film supposedly details issues of obesity in the US in a comedic fashion.

Up here in Canada we can pretend that our diet is not as much of a concern as it is in the U.S. but our gut instinct would be wrong (pun intended).

P.S. Damn those Krispy Kremes! I just wish they wouldn't put a whole cup of sugar in each donut.
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Registered User
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Feb 12, 2000
I hear it's pretty slanted in everything it shows. I don't get why this proves anything except the fact that if you eat poorly and don't exercise, you get fat.

Who didn't know McDonald's wasn't health food.

Gets back to personal accountability again which our country seems to have none to very little these days.

Vegas Dave

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 23, 2002
Yeah one might argue that the point of view of the movie is slanted, but how convincing would he be if he was biased in this case?

We all know how destructive McDonald's food is for you, but why do people still eat there? It's not only McDonald's, it's the fact that many Americans do not think with a healthy conscious. When car companies start changing their cupholder size to fit 'super-size' (which apparently can get upwards of 62oz of pop) then you're food intake has hit rock bottom.

Trashing Mickey D's is not the main McPicture that is McPainted, but the goal is for us as adults, to realize that the food we feed our body effects the length of our lives, and the quality of our lives.

The fast food industry is constructed on the idea of feeding our hunger as quickly, cheaply, and conveniently as possible. Notice how the quality nourishment is not listed in the previous description. So instead of making intelligent nutritous decisions in advance, society tells us that it's acceptable to eat this proverbial garbage because there is a long line-up of quick fix products to make us feel better when the side effects of our bad eating habits kick in.

Companies feign concern for our well-being when in reality all they care about is the sale.

"Don't worry about eating Chinese Food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, just take this pill so you won't have heartburn or indigestion afterwards"

"Upset stomach? Drink this pink liquid and banana peppers and jalepenos are an afterthought."

"Having trouble getting an erection? Obviously that has nothing to do with your lack of excercise, just take this blue pill and you're ready to once again put the John in her 3:16 once again."

"Headache or Migraine? Clearly that has nothing to do with your overdose of sugar related products, and the underdose of water in your system. Just take this white pill and your fine"

"You're obese? The fact that you perceive minesweeper to be an excercise is irrelevant. Just take this diet pill that burns fat while you sleep, or sign up for ominous surgery that clips all your fat off while you're under."

Can't sleep - take a pill.
Can't stay awake - take a pill.
Too happy - take a pill.
Too Sad - take a pill.
Not enough energy - take a pill.
Too hyper - take a pill.

A number of people may read this post, or view that movie and think this is some kind of overweening lesson that is being put on, but I would venture to guess that 90% of ALL health issues are related to what we place in our mouths.

Just food for thought.
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